dinner | romano + italy

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- romano x reader x italy -

OLD - This one is super old so it's really bad oof-

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As you were walking down the rocky streets of Italy, You came across a busy street market filled with food, spices, and of course, Pasta. Pasta always remind you of Feli as he was crazy about it. He always made you try it when you came to his house and in a way, He always used to flirt with you too. You never used to care or think anything of it, As he did flirt with anyone. Don't tell anyone this but, I think i like him. I'm just scared that people won't accept for who i am and who i like.

So deep into my thoughts, I didn't see the two men i basically crashed into. It was Feli and Romano, the tomato brothers as i liked to call them.

"Hi-a (Y/N) ~!" Feli said in his normal, cheery voice. Feli was always so happy for no reason, even in war the golden-eyed man smiled. Germany hated that but i thought it was pretty cute. Feli is a happy, Fun-loving sweetheart, And then there was Romano.

"Oh, It's you again." Romano grumbled, folding his arms tightly. Romano wasn't too fond of me, but let's be honest, He wasn't fond of anybody.

"Hi Feli! Hello Romano!" I said in your normal, usually happy voice. "What are you guys up too?"

There was a weird science before Romano answered, "Uh- We are getting ingredients!"  He said in a rush.

"Ingredients huh? Why? What are you gonna make this time?"  I asked, slightly concerned for Romano as he was turner red. Way more red than his tomatos.

"Oh it's-a nothin', It's just a surprise for yo-" Before Feli could finish his sentence, Romano elbowed him in a aggressive manner.

"For yo - Yao! Haha, yes! For Yao!" Romano swiftly said. His entire face looked like it was up on flames as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. 'Yao huh? I would not have guessed that one...' I thought.

"Say-a, (Y/N), Would you like to come to our house for a dinner party~?" Feli asked, with hope in his eyes.

* ☆ *

Romano's POV -

Gah! I can't believe that bastard just asked him to come to our house like that! I  was meant to do that!

You see, Me and Feli are... Well, we both like (Y/N) and we had a deal, Whoever can win over his heart, Gets to be his boyfriend. I mean, how can you not love him? With his (H/C) hair and sparkly (E/C) eyes...

S h i t

I cannot be thinking bout' these things!

Feli's POV -
Man, I could really go for some pasta right now homeboi--

* *

"Uh, Sure! Why not?" I said, agreeing to Feli's idea. After Feli told me the details, It got kinda silent again. I started to fidget with the tips of my clothing until i was sick of the silence.

"So uh, I'll meet you guys later, okay?"

After we said our goodbye's, We dispatched, Me heading home and them heading to god knows where. 

* ☆ *

At about 7, I went to Feli's house for dinner, Just like he said. I didn't wear anything fancy to the dinner, Just a (F/C) T-shirt, jeans and a pair of (F/C) trainers.

After a 7 minute walk from mine to his, Feli greeted me at the door.

"Ah, (Y/N)! You-a made it!" 

"Of course i made it! I wouldn't miss this diner party for the world!" I said. Ah, I must have sounded like such an idiot!

After sitting down, I realized that Yao wasn't here. Wasn't he the whole reason why they went out to get ingredients?

"Uh, So- where's Yao?" I said, Confused.

"Ah, We were going to tell you about that," Romano said. "We- Ah, We kinda just-"

"We love-a you, (Y/N)!" Feli interrupted swiftly. I simply just stared into their eyes for a minute or two. Their brown/ golden eyes were filled with hope.

"W-well, I do like you too but-"

"Ha! I told you he would like me more!" Romano practically shouted.

"What?! You didn't even let him finish his sentence!" Feli snapped back.

After a few more minutes of stupid insults, They were full-on boxing each other. I didn't know Feli could pack a punch, Especially since he was kinda a wuss during the war. I sighed and continued eating my pasta while watching the two brown-haired brothers fighting on the floor.

I did love those two, But they could be really annoying sometimes.

* ☆ *

Bleach my eyes please-

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