track | germany

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- track -

OLD - Basically, My P.E teacher in a nutshell, But she's not in love with me like Ludwig is with you oh, honhonhonhon-

* ☆ *

'Pick up your legs, (Y/N)! Italy runs faster zen you!' Ludwig yelled, watching as (Y/N) jogged lazily around the field, her breath slightly heavy.

'But we ran down the track eight times! I'm literally dying from exhaustion!' She hollered back, dropping to the grass covered ground.

The blonde male rolled his eyes slightly and let out a small huff. He ran up to her, keeping his eyes on the female, who laid on the ground with her arms covering her eyes. Her breathing was unsteady and the sweat against her skin made it glisten against the sun.

'Come on. Get up, you still have two more laps to run.' He said sternly, crossing his arms over his chest.

She let out a slight moan, turning over.

'Can't we just call it a day?'

'No. Ze faster you get up and run, ze faster you vill be finished vith it.'

'But I'm sooo tired! God! Can't we do anything but run?! I hate running!' The (E/C) eyed flailed her arms in the air.

'Because running has benefits.' 

'Like what?!' (Y/N) Shouted

Ludwig sighed and sat next to (Y/N).

'It relieves stress, prevents diseases-'

'There's other ways to do that y'know.' The (H/N) haired girl sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees.

Ludwig glanced over at her. Her hair was up in a ponytail, some strains falling onto her face. Her face was flushed from all the running and her mouth was partly open, letting small breaths of air out. The sun shone into her eyes, making the (E/C) lighter. (Y/N) watched as the Italian struggled to run any longer.

'It's not really hard to run.'

'I don't do running though. I'm more of a dancer than a runner.' She turned to look at Ludwig.

'But it's ze same zing. Both are a form of exercise.'

(Y/N) let out a small giggle, making Ludwig crack a small smile.

'Dancing and running are two different things.'


'Well..' The (H/C) haired girl stood up, 'Running is doing the same thing, which makes it boring, But dancing. There's different ways to dance. You move your legs, arms, hips, body.' A smile carved itself onto her face as she swayed her hips.

Ludwig's face turned bright red as he watched her. After a few minutes in her own little world, she stopped and dropped herself back down next to Ludwig.

'Anyways, if you're so into running, why don't you run with us?'

'Because I do enough running, unlike any of you." He stated, "You should get back to running.'

The blonde stood up, wiping the dirt off his pants. The (H/C) haired girl followed him and stood up.

'I'll run if you run with me.'

'(Y/N).' He sighed, frustrated.

'C'mon! Please!' She gave him a small pout.

'Fine.' He grunted, 'But only zis once.'

(Y/N) nodded excitedly, starting to run next to Ludwig. She slipped her small hand into Ludwig's large hand and entwined her finger with his. His blush returned as another smile broke through his face.

'. . .'

'Running isn't that bad as long as you're doing it with me.'

* ☆ *

Oh God this was oLd- I would rather die than run ngl

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