ship names | japan

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- japan x reader -

OLD - This one is the worst one 100%

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'How about... Feliwig?' You said, unsure, as you and your best friend, Kiku, watched Feliciano and Ludwig talking.
'Hai, that sounds good!' Kiku agreed, nodding. The two of you were thinking of lots of different ship names for the people in your school who you thought would make a good couple. So far, you had: Lovinio, Yaovan, Elizabert (not one of your best names...), Tiwald. The list could go on forever! And the best part was, it was just between the two of you. Every time one of your 'ships' did something together, you'd blurt out their ship name, and nobody but you two understood what it meant.

Just yesterday, Antonio had tackled an unsuspecting Lovino, and both you and Kiku had seen it. In sync, the two of you had shouted, 'Lovinio!'
Most people gave you weird stares, raising eyebrows, and frowning in confusion.
'What the hell did you-a say bastards? And get off of me you Spanish bastard!" Lovino yelled, growling a Antonio, who was still clinging to him like his life depended on it.
'P-personal joke...' You had muttered, your Japanese friend nodding in agreement.
'(Y-Y/N)-san?' Kiku's voice brought you back to reality.
'Sorry, Kiku! I was daydreaming.' You laughed at yourself.
'It's no probrem. I was just asking which ship is you OTP?' He said curiously and calmly. You knew OTP meant One True Pair, and was kind of like a favorite. After a few moments thinking about it, you came to a firm conclusion.
'(Favorite ship).' You confidently answered, Kiku nodding in agreement. 'So, what's yours?'
An uncharacteristic smirk flashed across Kiku's features for a second before it vanished, replaced by a determined smile. 'Ki(-N).'

'Ki(-N)?' You asked, tilting your head in a quizzical way. 'Who is that?'

'It is a secret.' He answered, pressing a finger to his lips.

'C'mon! We tell each other everything! I won't tell, I promise!' You said in a hurried, yet hushed voice, mindful of Ludwig and Feliciano only a few feet away.
'Sorry, (Y/N)-san, but I cannot terr you...yet.'


'Hai.' He replied. 

'When will you tell me?' You pouted, frowning up at him, fighting the urge to tug on his arm, since you knew he felt uncomfortable with physical contact. To be honest, you had a feeling you knew, for it sounded too close to Kiku and (Y/N), and you hoped it was, because surely he'd only suggest that if he, maybe, had feeling of more than friends for you? You had a huge crush on him, you just never said so, because you didn't want to lose him as a friend.
'Werr...' Kiku began, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, his face tinting pink. 'Maybe when you promise not to raugh?'
'I promise I won't laugh or chuckle or even chortle or whatever! Tell me please, I'm dying from the not knowing!' You clutched your chest and dramatically pretended to be dying.

'Orkay...It's...Kiku and...(Y/N)" He admitted, hanging his head and refusing to look at you.
Your heart was beating so fast inside your chest that you forgot how to speak, and your paranoid side was scared that if you tried you'd cough your heart out, as well as some other organs. It took a short while for you to recover from the shock, but eventually you found yourself smiling widely with satisfaction. 'That's good, because I think they make a great couple, and I ship them too.' You giggled.
'R-Rearry?' Kiku gasped, looking surprised and delighted.
'Rearry.' You confirmed, imitating him. Before you had a chance to say anymore, a soft thumb lifted your cheek, and equally soft lips met yours, in a gentle kiss. You kissed back straight away, eyes closing blissfully. It couldn't have lasted long enough for you, but eventually you had to pull away.
After that, the two of you stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, both beat red.
'Sorry I touched you.' Kiku said moments later, and you rolled your eyes.
'Don't be, I liked it!" You confessed, 'I- I like you...'
'Aishiteimasu.' Kiku smiled at you, and a grin grew on your face instantly at his words.
'A-Aysh-te-mosu!' You did you best to repeat after him, failing miserably. Kiku merely chuckled at you, understanding what you meant to say.
'Woohoo, go Kiku!'
You turned your head quickly in the direction of the cheering voice, where you say Feli jumping up and down, generally happy for you, whilst Ludwig was standing beside him, smiling at the two of you as in to say 'congrats'. Blushing 50 shades of red, you tried to hide behind you hair.
'Hey, Doitsu, should we try it, veh~?' Feli suddenly said, turning to Ludwig with an innocent look. Ludwig was flustered to say the least, his blush painfully obvious.
You and Kiku only needed to exchange a glance, knowing what the other was thinking.

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If I changed this one, none of the comments would make sence lol-

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