
Tyler woke with a migraine the next day.

The police had found the massacre (if the BREAKING NEWS that ruined every other tv channel was anything to go by) and one of their burner phones just kept ringing. The first few had been ignored, but eventually Tyler answered the blaring device.

It was, of course, an officer, asking if they had been made aware of the piles of bodies on their property. Tyler had to explain to the new member of the force that they were a "gang" and "shit like that happens" to which the young man replied,


Before falling silent for a while. A few rustles and voices in the background, then,
"So you and your men killed them?"

Tyler scoffed before lowering his voice to a growl,

"Yep. And if you plan on trying to track this phone you can kiss our truce goodbye and I'll sick my men on the nearest bank."

The rustling stopped, and the officer cleared his throat.

"Y-yes sir. Have a nice day."


Tyler muttered, clicking end on the phone before tossing it back to Marcel.


The deer asked, dropping the phone and crushing it underfoot.


Tyler looked around, glancing at Ohm who had also been carried upstairs talk quietly with Luke. Evan was speaking with Brock in the kitchen, Anthony and Scotty playing Uno with Nogla and Lui at the table.

"Anything I can get you?"
Marcel offered, Tyler glancing back at the Alpha with a small smile,

"No thanks, go hang out with your mate."

Marcel's face brightened, and he hurried toward the table to wrap his arms around Scotty's neck. Tyler chuckled, attention turning toward the stairs when he heard footsteps and smelled something all-too familiar.

Craig didn't spare him a glance when he reached the floor, quickly hurrying to the kitchen and serving himself a late breakfast.

He always woke up late.


Tyler knocked on the door again, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for the Omega on the other side to answer.

It was 10 am and they had a heist they needed to plan, how hard was it to wake up?
Finally the door opened and Tyler was about to make a snarky comment about "Sleeping Beauty" when the words fell dead on his tongue.

It was Craig, his hair mussed from sleep and rubbing his eyes from the light. His glasses were askew, and the t-shirt he wore hung off of one of his shoulders.

He looked like a mess.

An-an adorable mess.

Tyler hid his blush by looking down the hall, clearing his throat before snapping,

"We've been waiting for you for forty five minutes, are you coming?"

Craig seemed to perk up at his words, and with an <s>adorable</s> yelp ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes! I am so sorry, I-I'll be right there!"

The pigeon slammed the door closed and Tyler felt a small smile pull itself onto his face.

The smell of honey and mangoes soothed his previous annoyance.


Tyler blinked out of the memory, turning back to the cast on his leg when he realized he had been staring.

His instincts told him to call the pigeon-wing over, cuddle and scent each other until Tyler felt better and they were both happier. However, the looming sense of 'not right' still hung around him.

Around him and-

Tyler glanced at the dove that was sprawled on the other couch, head in Luke's lap as they giggled at some joke. Ohm had also been unable to walk, what with his broken foot, but it didn't seem to put him down too much.

He usually had Luke carry him everywhere.

Tyler sighed as the couple fell into another bout of laughter, turning to glance at the tv that was still off.

He could see his blurry reflection staring hopelessly back at him.

What if breaking up with Craig had been a mistake?

What if he was wrong?

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