Chapter 32 - Departure

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The next few days at Shady Belle, was a mad rush to get everything, that needed to be taken, packed up. There were a few arguments, about what should be left behind, and what should come with them. Finally Dutch put his foot down, and told everyone that they could only pack essentials, like clothes, and a few keepsakes. This, of course, didn't apply to him. He made sure that he packed all his books, plus a few of Jack's, story books.

Arthur, Micah and Casie, were more concerned about their guns, and knives. Casie, put her foot down, and refused to leave any behind. She claimed, they all had sentimental value, of some description. Or that they had been presents, which was in fact, true.

In the end, they decided, to crate up some of the guns. It would hardly be inconspicuous, if they turned up at the dock, armed to the teeth. Both Casie, and Micah, However, insisted that their revolvers, were not being packed, and would stay in their holsters. Firmly attached to their belts.

Casie's biggest regret, however, was having to leave Ice behind. Whilst everyone realised, that they wouldn't be able to take their horses with them, this hit Casie hardest. Whilst everyone was rushing around, getting items loaded onto the wagon, she was spending a lot of time, just grooming, and making a fuss of her beloved horse.

Micah, walked over to the hitching posts, where Casie, was for the umpteenth time, brushing Ice.

"Ya know, that horse of yours was wild, before you caught her." he said, as he leant against a tree.

Casie stroked, Ice's soft nuzzle, and fed her another oatcake. "I know, but that don't mean I ain't gonna miss her," she replied, a slight tremble in her voice. "Won't you miss Baylock?"

Micah sighed, "sure I will, he can be a miserable bastard, but he's the best horse I ever had."

Casie thought for a minute, "We need to cut 'em loose, not round here, further north, away from the swamp. Not just Ice and Baylock. All of them, except the ones that'll be pulling the wagons."

Micah laughed, "Are you crazy? How the hell are we gonna do that?"

Casie thought for a moment. "We'll go for one last ride, cut 'em loose just the other side of Emerald Ranch. Then get the train into St Denis. The station is right next to the docks, we can get off the train, and go straight onto the boat. Miss Grimshaw, Reverend Swanson, Mr Strauss and Mr Pearson, can take the wagons with all our stuff, into St Denis."

Micah, stopped laughing, "your serious, ain't ya? Well, I guess its not a bad idea, an if folks don't wanna cut their horse loose, they can take 'em to the stables in St. Denis."

Casie smiled excitedly, "c'mon Micah, lets go and talk to Dutch!"

Casie ran off, towards the house. Micah followed, at a slower pace, shaking his head.

Dutch was standing on the porch, supervising as best he could. He hadn't realised, packing up camp to leave, would be quite so complicated.

Seeing Casie, running towards him, seemed like some light relief. Until he saw the look on her face, which he kind of guessed, meant nothing straightforward.

As she approached the porch, Casie smiled at Dutch. "I want to cut Ice loose, and Micah, wants to do the same with Baylock."

Dutch nodded, "Ok, that's fine." He wasn't sure why it would be a big deal.

"Not here though," she added. "We want to go on one last ride, cut them loose up near Emerald Ranch."

Dutch was about to say something, but he allowed himself time to process, what Casie was saying. He thought about The Count. His horse deserved better, than to be left in the St Denis stables, and certainly better than being cut loose in a swamp.

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