Chapter 3 - Fear is the Key

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Casie wanted to open her eyes, but she was afraid that if she opened them, the pain would start again. It still hurt, it hurt like hell. But it didn't feel like her chest was on fire. Her throat though, that was another thing. It felt like a desert. Dry, and parched. She tried to find some spit in her mouth, to lick her lips. But there wasn't any. Her face still throbbed, from the punches that the sheriff had given her.

She felt a hand on the back of her head. She figured it wasn't the hangman's noose, as she was laying down. She forced her eyes open. It was light. She squinted.

A black lady held her head, and was holding a cup to her lips. She tried to say something, but no sound came out. She took a deep breath, and winced. That hurt. But not as much as before.

She looked at the black lady. Her Pa had always said, it don't matter about the colour of the skin, its what's on the inside that counts.

The woman smiled at her. "Its Ok," she said, "your safe now."

Her head was lowered back onto the pillow.

She felt the fur pelt beneath her hands, and tried to move her weight slightly, but couldn't help let out a groan, as a stab of pain went through her chest.

"Easy," the woman said.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement on the other side, she looked. Another woman. Older. She put a cold cloth on her face. She remembered the punches, just before the last kick, when she'd heard the crack. She brought her hand up to touch her face. The woman slowly clasped it, and lay it back down next to her.

"Its fine," she whispered.

Casie put her hand to her chest. She moved her hand around to try and find it, but it wasn't there. Ma's wedding band. Gone. Taken. She tried to getup. Pain, searing through her body. Then a hand slowly pushing her back down to lay on the bed. She closed her eyes. Need to rest, she thought. Then the realisation came, my boots, some bastard has stolen my boots.

Her Pa always said, if someone stole your boots, it was because you were on your way to meet you maker.

She did think it strange that someone would steal her boots, there weren't many people that they would fit.

She opened her eyes, and looked at the black woman. This time she managed to talk.

"Who are you? Where are my boots?" She croaked.

"My name is Tilly." She said, as she stifled a laugh.

"Miss Tilly, control yourself," the other woman scolded.

"Sorry Miss Grimshaw." She replied.

She looked at Casie. "Your boots are in the corner. They're fine."

Casie swallowed, getting her voice back, "my necklace." She said. "The fucking sheriff, stole my necklace."

Miss Grimshaw stood up, and looked Casie in the eye.

"Don't worry dear, we'll get it back for you," with that, she stormed out the tent.

Tilly looked at Casie. "Don't worry none, If Miss Grimshaw says she'll get it back, she'll get it back."

Tilly, poured something from a bottle, onto a spoon, and tilted Casie's head again. "You need to have this," she said.

She swallowed the liquid. It tasted foul.

"Jesus what is that?" She asked.

"Its Medicine, it will help you heal."

Casie laid he head back down. Her Pa always said, that medicine was only any good, if it tasted like the arse-end of a goat. Casie guessed the medicine was probably pretty good.

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