Chapter 25 - Hanging Dog Ranch

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Hosea grabbed his bag, and walked to where Arthur was laying.

The table, in the kitchen, had been used too often for this sort of thing lately, he thought.

"Hang on in there, my boy" he spoke quietly.

Susan Grimshaw, rushed back into the kitchen, closely followed by Tilly. They had boiling water and bandages ready. Susan, pulled a shotgun cartridge from her pocket, and a candle.

She turned to look at Tilly. "If you'd rather go, Tilly, its Ok"

Tilly straightened herself, in an attempt to make herself look taller. "No, Miss Grimshaw, I'll stay...I'll help, if I can." She said, as calmly as she could.

"Do exactly as Mr Matthews says. I need to try and keep Arthur's shoulder still."

Hosea handed Tilly a bottle of whisky, tweezers, and a needle and thread.

"Put them in the boiling water, for a few minutes, then pour some whisky over them." He said, trying to smile, to reassure the young woman.

Tilly handed the tweezers back to Hosea, knowing that he would have to use them to dig out the bullet.

Susan Grimshaw, pulled the clothing away from Arthur's shoulders, and held his shoulder firmly.

Hosea started to dig around in the hole, and finally found the bullet. Arthur groaned, but had little strength to struggle against the pain, so Susan Grimshaw was able to keep him still.

Once the bullet was out, Hosea stemmed the flow of blood with some cloth, then proceeded to cauterize it, with the gunpowder and the candle.

"Are you Ok Tilly?" He asked.

Tilly nodded, and handed him the needle and thread.

Hosea finished stitching up Arthur's shoulder, and left Tilly and Susan to bandage it up.

"I'll go and get Bill and Pearson, to help me move Arthur into bed." he said, as he left the ladies in the kitchen.

Tilly looked at Arthur, the normally strong outlaw looked as weak as a child.

"I can sit with him tonight Miss Grimshaw." She volunteered.

Susan Grimshaw, smiled at Tilly. "You've done plenty, Tilly. I'll get Mary-Beth to sit with him tonight, you go and get some rest."

"Do you think, he'll be Ok?" She asked, concern in her voice.

"We can only hope, Tilly." She replied, looking at the unconscious man.

Casie, in hindsight, thought telling Colm O'Driscoll, to go to hell, was probably not the best thing to say, considering her position.

She soon found out, that she was right.

Colm, punched Casie in the kidneys. The pain Casie felt, was severe. So much so, she screamed, as her eyes watered.

"For you Casie, this is hell, or will be, if you don't tell me what I want to know." He laughed, "now, where were we, ah yes, you were just about to tell me the location of your camp."

Colm waiting for a few moments, before grabbing Casie by the hair and tilted her head backward sharply.

"You will tell me, I promise you." He whispered, Malevolently.

Casie didn't say a word, but was inwardly bracing herself, for what was to come.

The next thing Casie new, her shirt was being ripped off her back. Leaving her back, and shoulders bare.

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