Chapter 11 - Growing up

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Dutch and Casie left the falls mid afternoon.With a Saddlebag full of fish for Pearson, and Full bellies, from the fresh salmon they had cooked on an open fire.

She'd never cooked on an open fire before. Dutch showed her how put the meat on her knife, and cook it that way. She loved the way that they could spend time together, and she would always learn something new. Whether it was about herself, or something practical.

"Dutch?" She asked when they were almost back to camp."When we go for the horse in the mountains, can Arthur come?"

Dutch smiled. "Of course he can, if that's what you want. We're going for you, so you can have who you like come along." Dutch hesitated. "You like Arthur don't you, I mean more than some of the others."

Casie nodded. Not sure whether to tell Dutch about the blood bond. She felt she should probably ask Arthur first. They would both have to agree.

"If Arthur hadn't taught me to shoot I wouldn't have...and he would be..."

Dutch nodded, "I understand." He said. "Seems like the pair of you have a habit of saving each other."

"I know he's like your right hand man, and one day maybe I can be your right hand woman." She added.

Dutch laughed. This young woman, and she was growing from a child into a young woman. She made him feel young again.

"We better get Arthur to teach you how to use a rifle then." He suggested.

Casie smile and her eyes lit up with excitement.

"C'mon," she said pushing her horse on, "I can't wait to tell Arthur."

Dutch smiled, and followed her lead, finding it slightly unusual to be following, rather than leading.

They got back to camp just as the sun was setting. Casie delivered the fish to Pearson.

Casie saw Arthur sitting on the tree trunk at the edge of the lake just gazing out. It was a beautiful sunset, the deep red sun reflected in the lake.

Casie walked over to where he was sitting, and sat next to him.

Arthur smiled, when he saw Casie. Lately she was the only one who could make him smile.

"How was your trip?" he asked.

Casie smiled, "good, and were going on another one soon, up to the mountains to get the white Arabian, will you come?"

Arthur raised an eyebrow "A white Arabian! Can't really say no to that can I, little sister."

"And Arthur, Dutch says you'd teach me to shoot a rifle," she said, hopefully.

Arthur laughed. "Did he now!"

"You will though, won't you?" She pleaded.

"Sure, we'll go out in the morning, if you like. Now you should probably hit the hay, which is what I'm gonna do."

Casie gave him a hug, and he tussled her hair. They both headed off to their tents.

Casie was up early. Despite what Dutch had said, the nightmares were still just as intense. Maybe they would go once she knew how to shoot a rifle, then she could protect him, just like Arthur did.

She decided to go and give Maggie a brush. It didn't matter that she was soon going to get another horse. She would always love Maggie. Even if she was a bit slow.

Casie glanced down the path, and saw Sean on guard duty. Only he wasn't, he was snoozing. Casie thought for a moment. She liked Sean, she had been mean to him the other day, so she could make it up to him.

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