Chapter 12 - The White Arabian

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Casie rushed across the camp. She went to the medical supplies wagon, and collected some balm. She was certain, that when Arthur's boot went into Sean's chest, something probably broke. Even if it hadn't, this would help with the bruising. Casie approached Sean's tent, where Tilly was cleaning the blood off of his face.

"I can do that, Miss Tilly," Casie said.

Tilly looked slightly concerned. "Are you sure?" She asked.

Casie nodded, so Tilly handed her the cloth, and the warmed water.

Casie stroked Sean's red hair, and started to wipe the blood away from his face.

"Case.." Sean tried to get up, and winced. He put his hand to the place where Arthur had kicked him.

"Shit!" He groaned.

"Sshh...its fine" she whispered.

Sean touched Casie's bruised cheek. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

Casie moved his hand to her lips, and kissed it. "Don't be silly, its not your fault."

Casie started to unbutton Sean's shirt.

"Case! What are you doing...You'll.." He gasped.

Casie put her finger to his lips.

"Sean, its fine, I've had a talk with Dutch." She whispered, continuing to unbutton his shirt.

Sean Raised his eyebrows.

Casie started to massage the balm into Sean's chest, the bruising had already started to come out.

Sean relaxed. He wasn't sure what to make of this. Arthur had obviously told Dutch what he had seen, but what had Casie said to Dutch. He still wasn't convinced that he wouldn't get a bullet in his head.

They both heard footsteps outside. The tent flapped opened and Arthur stood there. Casie felt Sean stiffen. Casie put her hand in his, allowing the fingers to interlock and squeezed his hand. He squeezed hers back.

"Arthur." Casie scowled.

Arthur stood their glaring at the pair of them. Before he had a chance to say or do anything, he heard his name being called.

"Arthur? A word son," Dutch called out, from his tent.

Arthur turned on his heel, and headed towards Dutch's tent.

Casie gently put her lips onto Sean's, as they gently explored each other mouths.

Sean was the first to stop.

"Case, what did you tell Dutch?" he asked.

Casie Smiled. "I told him I wouldn't stop spending time with you, even if he beat me."

Casie suddenly looked serious. "Only..." she swallowed hard. Not quite knowing how to say it.

Sean stared. "Only what?"

"If you...we have sex, he'll kill you...and he meant it." she sighed. A worried look on her face. She was certain that Dutch thought this would kill anything between them, stone dead.

"Oh Case!" Sean smiled. "I'm in no hurry, you're special, and I'll wait for you, as long as I need to."

Sean stroked Casie's cheek, and wrapped his arm around her. Sean layed back down, and Casie, laid her head on his shoulder. They both lay together, until they drifted off to sleep, in a warm embrace.

Arthur stormed over to Dutch's tent. His face flushed with anger.

Dutch put his hand on Arthur's shoulder, and shepherded him into the tent.

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