Chapter 4 - This is Family

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By the time Dutch and Casie reached the camp, the sun was beginning to set.

Casie felt exhausted, not just because her ribs were beginning to hurt, but because of the amount of adrenaline that had surged through her little body. Saying goodbye to her Pa, had been the hardest thing. She had always thought that if anything happened, she would always have his gun to remember him by, Now that gun was buried in the dirt.

During the ride back, she had hardly spoken at all. She felt a little bad, as he had been so generous, and kind. But, she thought, also very scary. The strange thing was that although she was still quite scared of him, when he was around, she felt like she could do anything, like she was invincible. But one of the biggest things he had taught her, was how to be honest with herself. She loved her Pa, but some of the things he said, she realised, had only been said to try and make her feel better. She didn't think they were true at all. Like the not letting people see that you were scared. Like that worked, she thought. She certainly couldn't pull the wool over Dutch's eyes. She also wondered about what it would be like to kill someone. She'd only ever shot a gun once. That was to kill a rabbit, and she'd done that with her eyes closed.

Dutch jumped off The Count, and lifted Casie off the back. He thought she looked a bit pale, but that was only to be expected, he supposed. Confronting so many fears in one day, would be enough to take its toll on an adult, let alone a child. He had to keep reminding himself that she was just that, a child.

"Come on," he said smiling. "If we're lucky, we might get some supper. If they've left us any that is."

Dutch and Casie walked towards the table, Dutch had a hand on her shoulder, guiding her in the direction he wanted her to go.

"Is there any food left?" He asked, "me and this young lady are starving."

Miss Grimshaw looked at Dutch, "well that depends?" She replied.

Dutch looked at Casie, then nodded towards Miss Grimshaw,

Casie looked at Miss Grimshaw, and smiled. She scooped the necklace chain out of her shirt, and held it up for Miss Grimshaw to see.

Susan Grimshaw laughed. "In that case, sit you both down, and you can have some supper!"

Hosea, was sitting as a table with a bowl of Stew, Arthur was seated next to him. Both were surprised to see the change in Casie, from tearaway, to a young woman, in a blink of the eye.

Hosea pointed at Casies new gun. "Thats a mighty fine looking gun you have there."

She smiled, "Dutch bought it for me." She looked up at Dutch, then looked back at Hosea. "My Pa, needed to have his gun, so I didn't have one. But this one is mine!" She touched it with her hand.

Dutch shepherded Casie to a seat, and sat down next to her, as Miss Grimshaw put the plates of food in front of them.

Arthur pointed towards the gun, with his empty spoon. "Have ya shot a gun before?" he asked her.

"Not at a person" she said seriously. The three men laughed. "I did shoot a rabbit once" she grinned, "but I think I might have shut my eyes."

Dutch looked at Casie, and winked, "If you ask Arthur nicely, he might teach you," he lowered his voice slightly "He's a pretty good shot...but don't tell him I said so."

Casie went to speak, then realising she had a mouthful of food, stopped, and swallowed. She looked at Arthur. "Please would you teach me, Arthur?"

Arthur smiled, "sure, I think that can be arranged."

Casie tried to stifle a yawn, she hoped no one had noticed.

Hosea shot Dutch a glance. Dutch nodded back at Hosea. He stood up, and looked at Casie.

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