Chapter 15 - Touch and Go

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The wagons left Clemens point, and headed to Shady Belle, a big house in the middle of the swamp.

Casie lay in the back of one of the wagons. Tilly sat next to her. Every so often her eyes would open, a glazed look in her eyes, and they would dart around like a scared, wounded animal.

The fever hadn't broken, which worried Tilly. She was used to nursing the wounded members of the gang, and Casie didn't look good. She was pale. and her skin was cold and clammy.

Bill was driving the wagon, and every so often one of the wheels would hit a rock, or a branch, causing it to jolt badly.

Every time this happened, Casie's eyes would open momentarily, and she would groan in pain.

Tilly yelled at Bill, "for Christ-sakes Bill, will you be careful, this ain't doing Casie any good!"

Bill looked over his shoulder and glared "If you fucking think you can do any better, be my guest!"

"I could," she retorted, "but you'd do a lousy job of looking after Casie, so I'm best back here. Just slow down a bit will ya!"

"If we slow down, we'll lose the others, and I have no idea where we're headed." He growled.

Tilly looked at Casie's bandage. There was an ominous, deep red stain, and it was getting bigger.

"Fuck" she mumbled. "You better had slow down Bill, or else Casie's gonna bleed out!"

Bill glanced over his shoulder, and looked at Casie. He saw the deep red colour of the bandage.

"Fuck." he cursed, as he reigned in the horses, to slow them down.

Dutch was riding alongside the wagon train. He saw the wagon dropping back. He turned The Count, and headed towards the rear wagon.

"What's goin' on, why are you going so slow?" he asked Bill.

"We gotta problem Dutch." He nodded in the direction of Casie, and Tilly.

"Every time this wagon lurches, or hits a stone it gets worse." Tilly remarked, pointing to the bandage on Casie's shoulder. The deep red stain on the bandage was growing, and the centre was wet, where the blood had completely come through the bandage.

"Shit!"Dutch growled under his breath. "Stop the wagon, I'll stop the others, and talk to Hosea."

Dutch galloped along the line of wagons yelling at them to stop. He finally reached Hosea.

"We've got a problem Hosea, Casie is bleeding out."

Hosea jumped off the wagon, and headed to the wagon, where Casie was laying. He jumped in the back.

"Every time the wagon jolts, it gets a bit worse." Tilly said to Hosea, in a panicked voice.

Hosea shook his head. "This needs stitching. We can't do it here, it'll take too long. If she gets many more jolts..."

Hosea looked at Dutch, who was sitting on The Count, looking in the Wagon.

"I warned you Dutch, she shouldn't be travelling."

"That's not very helpful now, is it, Hosea!" Dutch snapped, trying to control the panic in his voice.

Hosea sighed, "Find out from Lenny, how far out we are? Tilly, go up to the front wagon, I'll take over here."

Tilly jumped off the wagon, and ran along to the front wagon, jumped up, ready to drive off, as soon as she was given the signal.

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