Chapter 29 - Rescue

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The tracks out of Shady Belle, were relatively fresh. Charles guessed, that Dutch and Casie weren't expecting to be tracked, as the tracks were on the main roads. The fact that there were very few Arab horses, made Charles life a lot easier.

Charles led the way, closely followed by Arthur, Micah and Josiah. Micah and Arthur, had tried to persuade Josiah to stay behind. Stating that he would be next to useless in a gunfight, and would just get in the way. But, Josiah put his foot down, and insisted that he would join them. He felt partly responsible, as he hadn't picked up on the fact that the newspaper report, was likely fake.

What made it worse, was that Micah, was the one that had picked up on it. Josiah, didn't think, Micah was particularly the sharpest tool, in the box. Now he thought he might have misjudged the outlaw.

"Why are you so worried?" Arthur asked, Josiah.

Micah rolled his eyes, thinking that Arthur could really be stupid sometimes.

"I believe, that as Micah thought, this newspaper report is fake." The Englishman responded.

"Fake!" Arthur exclaimed, "But the Pinkertons left Blackwater, and headed in the direction of the Ranch!"

"Not that bit, you idiot," Micah groaned, "the bit about Colm O'Driscoll, getting away."

Arthur frowned, not really understanding what either man was going on about.

Josiah, looked at Arthur's face, and sighed. "The Pinkertons, likely captured Colm, and made some sort of deal with him, so that they could capture Dutch. Capturing Casie, will just be a bonus."

"Oh shit!", Arthur groaned, the realisation of the situation, suddenly dawning on him.

"Fucking finally," Micah said, as he rolled his eyes.

Charles said nothing, concentrating on tracking the two horses.

Charles tracked Dutch and Casie, to Valentine station.

"They stopped here, then left. We can either continue tracking them, or find out why they stopped here."

Josiah dismounted. "Let me see if I can find out anything. If we know where they went, then it will save time."

Micah dismounted, and started to follow Josiah.

"No Micah, I think its best if I make enquiries, without any assistance from you." Josiah added, hoping that Micah would stay put.

Micah scowled, "Your powers of persuasion, ain't gonna be that great, in this case." He put his hand to his holster, "we need the information fast, not this time next week."

Josiah nodded, knowing that Micah, wouldn't back down. He headed into the station, with Micah, following on his heels.

Josiah, walked up to the station clerk. "Excuse me, but I'm looking for a gentleman, I believe he came in here asking for information, Black hair, smartly dressed?"

Colour drained from the station clerk's face. "" he stuttered, panic in his voice.

Micah pushed Josiah out of the way, and pointed his gun at the man. "Talk...or die, your choice." he growled.

The clerk raised his hands ", pl..please, he was looking for Colm O'Driscoll, some government people told me, if he asked, to tell him to go to Calibans seat."

Micah, holstered his gun, he really wanted to shoot the man, but he knew that finding Casie, and Dutch, was more important.

He hurried out of the station, closely followed by Josiah.

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