Chapter 5 - No one gets left behind

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Casie decided that she quite liked beer, although Hosea and Dutch, didn't allow her to finish the whole bottle. She wasn't quite sure about Josiah Trelawny. She'd never seen anyone dressed quite like that before, or anyone talk like that either. But as Dutch and Arthur seemed to like him, she guessed it was Ok.

It didn't take long for Arthur, to ride back to the camp, and return with Javier, and Charles. She hadn't really spoken very much, with either of the other two men. To her, they seemed a little strange, they didn't speak much, or smile. But they weren't quite as odd as Mr Trelawny.

All four of them left quite soon after their return to Valentine. Which left just Hosea, Dutch and Casie, sitting in the Saloon.

Casie frowned, "where have they gone? They seemed in an awful rush."

Dutch smiled at Casie. "They've gone to get," he hesitated, and smiled, "one of the family."

"Who?" she asked, curiously.

Dutch grinned, "well, I guess he would be like another brother to you, his name is Sean."

He watched Casie, as she processed the information. Dutch loved how she was so quick, and wanted to encourage her enquiring mind.

"Can't he bring himself home?" She asked.

Dutch laughed, "not really Casie, you see some bounty hunters grabbed him, so Arthur, Javier, and Charles are going to grab him back!"

Casie stared at Dutch, wide eyed. "Will they be OK, I mean they won't get grabbed too?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine Casie, and in any case..." He smiled. "The second unwritten rule..."

Casie looked at Dutch intently, taking in everything he said.

Dutch continued, "nobody ever gets left behind. Which is also why we got you back from the sheriff."

Casie looked confused. "But I hadn't joined..." She hesitated, wanting to get the words right, "...the family yet."

Dutch gave her a reassuring smile, "true, but I knew you would. Now," he said, changing the subject swiftly, "how about you show me this horse, that Hosea keeps raving about!"

The unlikely trio left the saloon, and walked back to the stables. As promised the stable owner had Casie's new horse ready, and waiting. Casie lead the horse from the stables, and presented it to Dutch.

"That's a fine looking horse," he said. "What are you going to call her?"

Casie thought for a moment "Maggie," she said, "It was my Mama's name."

The two men exchanged glances. They would never really know how tough this kids life had been.

She looked at Hosea. "Thank you Hosea, I've never had a horse of my own before."

Hosea beamed, "Casie, your very welcome, and in any case, I should be thanking you, I learnt a great deal about horses today. If I ever need another horse for myself, I'll be sure to take you along, to cut the best deal!"

The three of them mounted up, and started to head towards camp, taking it easy at first, to allow Casie to become accustomed to her new horse. Once they reached the edge of town, Dutch turned to Casie. "Do you know how to get back to camp from here?" He asked.

She quickly scanned around. "Yes I'm pretty sure I can find my way home." She replied.

Dutch nodded. "Good, lets have a race."

"Ok," Casie replied, and with that pushed her new horse into a gallop.

Dutch laughed. "Hold on...I never said go!" She turned her head, glancing back at him, and laughed. She pushed her horse on a bit harder.

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