Chapter 17 - The Letter

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Dear Dutch, Daddy, Father,

I'm not sure which you are to me. Probably all three. Which is why writing this letter, knowing what's going to happen, makes it so much harder.

I came to you very broken, and you nurtured me, taught me about myself, and fixed me. But sometimes, something happens, that is unfixable.

I am sad for you, knowing how you must once have loved John, the way you love me. In a way, I am betraying you as well, by doing this. But I do love you Daddy.

I don't know if John was full of hate, but he hated me and you, and he must have hated Sean. He was the one who ended Sean's life so horribly. He told me you didn't care for anyone except yourself, but I know that isn't true. I do hope you can find a safe place so you, and the family doesn't have to run anymore.

Please say sorry to Hosea, Micah, Arthur and Charles.

I do love them all so. Please don't blame Arthur for me leaving. I know he sleeps better than any of you, which is why I left while he was with me.

Thank you Hosea, for buying me my first Horse, and to you and Arthur, for taking me to fetch Ice.

Please decide between you, who would like them, I know you will look after them both, especially Ice. I know you wanted to save me, but it was my time to go, so please don't feel badly.

Micah, I will miss you so much. We had such fun robbing the stage, but you really shouldn't have tried to save me. It was my time to go. Please keep the rifle we got, with practice i'm sure you will be as good with the rifle, as you are your pistols. I am sorry we didn't have time for you to show me how to spin them, it was such a cool trick.

Charles, you taught me so much about tracking and hunting. Please keep my knife, it gave me strength at a really bad time.

Finally Arthur. You are my brother, and I love you very much. We share a bond that can never be broken. We watched each other backs, but this is one time, you cannot watch mine. Please be nice to Micah, he sometimes needs a friend but wouldnt say so, and as I wont be there anymore, as my blood brother, please try and be his friend.

Daddy, you were right, revenge is a fools game. I know that now, after killing the bounty hunters. It didn't ease my suffering. If anything it made it worse.

When you find Abigail and Jack, please think of me, and remember I lost my Mama when I was Jacks age. He has already lost his daddy.

I know I will be going to hell, because anyone who takes there own life will go there. But as I was already going there, for allowing Sean to die, and not telling on my Pa, about my Mama, and for killing the bounty hunters, It doesn't really matter.

Sean has killed lots of people too, so he will be there waiting for me, and we can be together forever.

Please don't hate me for this.

Its the only thing I can do.

Love you all, always.

Casie Van der Linde

P.S Please bury my gun with me.

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