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" C O N F I D E N C E  A R E  S I L E N T.  B U T  I N S E C U R I T I E S  A R E  L O U D. "


D A I S Y ~ P O V

It was 5 in the morning, and I was dropped off by Henry's drivers. I slowly entered the house, trying not to make any sound because I knew I was WAY past my curfew. When I finally closed the door as quiet as possible, I sighed with relief and walked towards the kitchen. I took a glance in the living room, and I get startled by my Uncle sitting on the couch. I hold onto my chest and see him with a stare of anger.

"Uncle Danny, I'm sorry I came home late..." I said.

"Daisy, it is 5 in the morning..." He says in a calm stern voice.

"I know... B-but... I uh didn't feel well at the party... I didn't drink or anything, I just felt dizzy and... My boss offered to lay down in his hotel room..." I explained.

As soon as I mentioned that I went inside my boss's hotel room, his eyes grew wider...

"Nothing happened... There were multiple bedrooms, and we slept separately..." I said.

He sighs and gets up from the couch, walking towards me. Once he was near me all he did was pat my head, and I give a shocking reaction as he chuckles to it.

"You're not mad?" I ask.

"Well... I'm not THAT mad. I know you're still young but, I am sure you are mature enough to be on your own at this age. I was just worried to death because I didn't get a call or text from you if you ever are going to sleep over let me now... Alright?" He says.

"Yes Uncle Danny, I won't forget that!" I said with relief. 

He chuckles and walks upstairs to his room as I feel more relaxed, he never yelled at me before so I didn't know what to expect, glad I didn't find out. I walked to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water, as I was drinking I felt disgusted. With everything that happened last night, I need a long shower. I then get reminded with last night...

He can't know what happened, then he would force me to stop the internship... That would mean...

After taking a long shower, I decided I wasn't going to do anything today. I was too tired to think of anything, my friends, my schoolwork... Even though I had class today, I could just go over the lecture online so I decided to skip the day. I put on my comfy pajamas and let my friends know that I was going to skip for today, they were surprised by the news since I have never skipped before.

 I put on my comfy pajamas and let my friends know that I was going to skip for today, they were surprised by the news since I have never skipped before

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I turned off the lights and closed the blinds, getting into my bed all relaxed. I look up the ceiling and just looked back all the things Henry did for me last night... Last night... My first kiss happened...

[B A C K  T O  L A S T  N I G H T]

"Do you want to try it again?" He asked me as I look up at him.

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