
"Ok Danny, are you ready? Everyone is waiting for you." Danny looks a Zeleka and gives her a warm nervous smile.

She looks at me and I gives her the best smile I can try to give. She lets me know everything will be ok. I smile and nod at her.

"Ok, but let me get a couple of minutes to myself." Danny and Zeleka leave me alone in my room. Thoughts swirl around my mind.  Everything that has happened in a short period of time still has me breathing hard.

What Nicholas did to me is still staining my heart. It's still there. It's like as it happened yesterday. The way he attacked my body. I have been trying to get rid of this needs. Eric won't touch me. He won't even look at me. He thinks I am stained and soiled.

"God can take that pain away." I jump upon hearing that voice. I look around and see a beautiful man with curly brown hair. His white wings screaming angel.

"Who are you?" He smiles at me coming close. I back away. Shame running through me.

"I won't hurt you." He touches my face gently. The feeling still lingering after he pulls away. "You are hurting a lot. God will take that pain away. You have suffered enough. Do you want to keep suffering?"

"No." Of coarse I don't want to suffer.

"All you have to do is one simple thing. That's it, and all of that you have suffered will be erased. Eric will be erased from your heart. You don't want to be in love with someone who looks at you like damaged goods, do you?"

I shake my head no.

"God will take that away. You will enter heaven and you will never feel pain. Never again. You will never know what it's like to be rejected." He circles around me. I feel uncomfortable. "They never helped you, when Nicholas came to take you, they weren't listening, they were ignoring you. He touched you, he raped you and he abused you!"

I cry at the thoughts. I can see Nicholas laughing in my face. It's like he is really here.

"Stop! Stop please stop!" My face is wet with tears running down my cheeks.

"God can make you forget, can make you feel new, his hands will be erased. All you have to do is one thing."

I will do anything, I can't stand seeing Nicholas even tho he is dead.

"Kill the baby."

"What?" Are you kidding me? "Why would you ask me that. I will never do that."

"That baby shouldn't be born. It will cause chaos on hell and on earth."

"I will never kill a baby," I am pissed why would he ask me that.

"Madeline you shouldn't be here, you shouldn't be in hell. Look what has happened to you. You have become damaged goods. Eric will never love you. He will never see you as a woman. No one will. No one will want to touch you. But God can change that. He can give you a better life. Just do one thing."

I can't help but cry. The tears blocking my vision. I don't want to live here, but i don't want to kill Danny. I can't do that to her, but living here with the constant pain. Everyday knowing that Eric will never love me kills me.

Betrayed (completed) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum