Chapter Two

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Caleb's POV

I dragged Kevin away from Jenna and her friends and to a more private place. I found an empty classroom and walked in quickly.

I let go of Kevin and whipped around to face him. He was just standing there, smirking like an idiot.

"So, this is fun. How's life, buddy?" He grinned at me.

"Don't buddy me! How the hell could you do that! You almost ruined something that hadn't even began!" I growled at him.

"What's your problem? It's like you said "I date em and drop em," so what's the big deal?" He smirked.

"I...I don't know okay? I just, she's different man! I don't know how or why but I just know she is! I want to get to know her but if you keep trying to talk like a fricken idiot in front of her then I won't ever et to talk to her without her walking away!" I huffed as I ran my hand down my face.

"Awe Caleb's in loooovvveee." Kevin sang in a sing song voice. Suddenly he dropped the voice and looked straight dead into my eyes. "It's disgusting." He stated dully.

"No I'm not! Geez you're annoying! Why am I friends with you again?" I glared at him.

"Because I'm awesome and cool and rich." He grinned.

"I don't care about money." I stated bored.

"Good cause I'm kinda broke, can I borrow a dollar?" He asked innocently.

"Dude you need help." I chuckled at him.

"Oh yeah sure, I need help. I'm not the one in love." He stated as he walked out of the classroom.

"I'm not-oh forget it!" I sighed.

Suddenly I heard a someone shout and another person gasp. My eyes widened when I heard Jenna's voice and I ran out the door.

When I got outside of the classroom I noticed Kevin was on the ground and one of Jenna's friends was under him. They were staring at each other and I could see different emotions swimming through their eyes.

"Oh my gosh Kassidy! Are you okay?" I heard Jenna's voice and I whipped my head towards her.

I also noticed Kassidy immediately shove Kevin off her and begin to get up.

What the hell happened? And I'm not talking about how Kassidy and Kevin fell.

Jenna's POV

I ran over to Kassidy and helped her up.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine, I just fell." She stated, looking at the ground. I heard Kevin scoff and I looked up to glare at him.

"Screw off, can't you see you've done enough?" I glared at him.

"It wasn't his fault, really." Kassidy said as she looked me in the eyes.

I sighed.

"Fine, I have to get to French class anyway. What class do you have?" I offered as I tried to switch the conversation.

"Photography." She smiled as she held up her camera.

"Cool, that's on the way to French class, I'll walk you there." I offered as we began walking.

"Hey ladies wait up, how about me and my buddy accompany you lovelies to your destinations?" Kevin offered.

"Go eff yourself." I stated annoyed.

"Oh come on, we only wish to keep you safe." Caleb stated, some how appearing out of no where, and placing his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm sure we'll be fine." I rolled my eyes and removed his arm. "Don't you idiots have classes?"

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