Chapter 16: He's back!?

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I woke up and looked around.

"Damnit! It wasn't a dream!" I thought sadly. I sat up and saw the door. I jumped up and ran over to it. I turned the knob but it was locked. I kicked it in frustration.

tears filled began to well in my eyes. I walked back to the mattress and cried.

Caleb's POV

"Okay, not only are we going to get Jenna back but, we're also going to get those guys and put them in jail!" I announced to Kassidy, Bella and Mikayla. They all looked at me confused.

"Uh okay but why do you have a giant ruler?" Bella asked.

"Ya, what's with the stick?" Mikayla piped up as well.

"Because I can!" I said proudly.

"Because you can look like an idiot." Kassidy whispered. The others snickered.

"Hey! I look awesome! Now about Jenna!" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. But how do we find her?" Kassidy asked.

"Well the phone is on the other side of town so we can check there." I nodded.

"Okay but how do we break her out?" Bella asked. I smirked.

"Easy." I walked to my closet and took out a panel that was at the back. I reached in and grabbed a gun. I brought it out and all the girls gasped.

"How long have you had that!?" Mikayla cried. I shrugged.

"Forever? I'm the bad boy, what did you expect?"

"That you turned nice?" Kassidy questioned. I laughed.

"Ya like that's going to happen!" I chuckled. She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, do you have any more?" She said bored. I smirked.


Jenna's POV

I was glaring at the wall until the door opened. I looked over and saw dickwad #1 came in with a tray of food. Not good food might I add, just bread, soup and juice. He put the tray down in front of me and smirked.

"Bon appetite!" He bowed. I glared.

"Can I have some Nutella?" I asked. he stared at me for a second before laughing.

"You don't need nutella!" He laughed.

"I SPEAK FOR EVERYONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH WHEN I SAY YOU NEED NUTELLA!" I yelled. Dickwad #1 stepped back shocked then narrowed his eyes.

"Well you're not getting any!" He said crossing his arms. I huff and glare at him. how could he? Nutella equals life!

"Also, the boss wants you to meet the person who broke us out of jail. the man who is helping us get our revenge and we help him get his." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and looked toward the door. It opened and I saw the outline of a figure. It looked like caleb but it was to dark to see the persons face.

I started to get excited. Was caleb here to rescue me? Am I going to get out of here!? I smiled as the person walked toward me, but my smile fades when I saw who it was. And it was not caleb.

Caleb's POV

I hopped in my car and Bella, Kassidy and Mikayla hopped in the back. They all had guns except for Bella who had a knife.

I put the coordinates into the GPS and started the car. We drove down the road for thirty minutes until we reached where the phone was suppose to be.

I jumped out and realized we were in a park. The GPS said that the phone should be right here. I got up and went to look around.

I had searched for fifteen minutes and I couldn't find it. I sat on the bench exhausted. I put my head in my hands as tears began to slide down my face.

Just then I heard a ringtone or something indicating that someone had a text. I looked beside me to see a garbage can.

I looked inside and saw an android phone just sitting on top of the garbage. I picked it up and turned it on.

it was the phone they used to text Jenna! I quickly went through the text convos and found a number that I knew all to well.

Jenna's POV

I gasped as the person came to stand in front of me.

"Hello Jenna." He smirked. I glared.

"Kevin." I spat. His smirk grew.

"Good! You remember me! I see your face healed." he nodded. I glared.

"What do you want?" I said angrily.

"Simple. I never really hated you, I wanted to get back at Kassidy but well I had to make an exception. Caleb was never really the bad boy, I was. I broke some men out of jail because one had a grudge against you as well. So we kidnapped you and now I finally get what I wanted with kassidy." He smirked as he brought some handcuffs from behind his back.

I gasped and backed away from him.

He wanted to rape me, and there was little I could do to stop him.

Caleb's POV

I ran out of the park as fast as I could. I jumped into the car and started it.

"Woah! What's going on?" Kassidy asked as I typed the coordinates of Kevin's phone into the GPS.

"Kevin is the leader of this! We have to move NOW!" I yelled pulling out of the park.

"WHAT!?" They all yelled. I quickly explained everything as I drove to where Kevin's phone was.

it was a quick five minute drive but I needed to get there fast before he did something to Jenna!

We got to an abandoned factory and jumped out, just as I heard an ear piercing scream.
Yay!!! I updated!! Sorry I took so long but here it is!! Did anyone see the Kevin part coming!? Haha plot twist!! Anyway I hope you like and I will update soon!!

💜 Tarryn

Dating the bad boyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora