Chapter 5: The good and the bad

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Pic of Kevin to the right======>>>>

I just stood there not knowing what to do. He smirked.

"So why would Ashley be telling you I'm hers?" He asked.

"Umm...well y-you see." I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"Unless you like me." I froze.

"Nooooooooooooooo!!" my mind screamed. He walked up to me and smiled.

"Well it's a good thing I like you too." he smiled.

"W-what?" I asked shocked. That's when he leaned in and kissed me. Suddenly I kissed back, I was so happy I couldn't believe this was happening. He put his tongue to my lips asking for entrance, I granted his wish. I put my hands under his shirt to feel his abs. He had a fucking sixpack! Before I knew what I was doing I pulled his shirt off. He got my shirt and pulled it off as well. He then unclipped my bra and tossed it on the ground. he reached down and held up my boobs. He stopped kissing my lips to kiss my neck. I was full of pleasure. He then reached inside my skirt to rub my sensitive zone above the material. I moaned in pleasure as an orgasm went through me.

"We should stop." I whispered not meaning my words.

"I know." He said kissing my lips and holding up my boobs. I suddenly broke the kiss. I sat on the bed breathing heavily. I reached down and started putting my clothes on. when I was finished getting dressed he smiled.

"Do you want to go out for lunch tomorrow?" he asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Great! i'll pick you up at 12:30, what's your number and address?" After exchanging numbers I smiled and gave him one last kiss.

"See you tomorrow." I laughed walking out into the party again. Just then my phone vibrated it was a text from Jenna saying Caleb was taking her home I smiled. We were dating the bad boys!

Jenna's POV

I smiled out the window of Caleb's Ford. He had offered to drive me to me and Kassidy's apartment yep me and Kassidy moved out. It's not like I hated my parents or anything I just wanted independence and so did Kassidy. We parked in the parking lot and then he walked me to my door. I unlocked the door and handed him back his jacket.

"Thanks." He said grabbing his jacket. He then leaned in and kissed me after we broke apart I whispered.

"Stay with me tonight?" He nodded and we walked in. I led him to my room, then grabbed some PJs and walked into the bathroom to change. When I came out Caleb was in his boxers climbing into my bed. I came in the other side and snuggled in beside him. I turned on the TV to how I Met your mother. I slowly felt my eyes close as laid against his chest.


I open my eyes to the sunshine shining on my face. I smiled and looked over at Caleb who was still sleeping. He looks so cute when he slept. I kissed his cheek before snuggling myself into his arms. He opened his eyes and I pretended to be asleep.

Caleb's POV

I open my eyes to see Jenna snuggled into my arms asleep. I smiled she was adorable. I Kissed her on the cheek and she opened her eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." I smiled. A smile appeared on her face and she snuggled into me more. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. We flipped through channels until we found the movie channel. Were the Miller's was on so we watched that.

"God." I thought "I cant believe she's mine!"

Kassidy's POV

I open my eyes to see the sun shining through a window. I sat up and looked around.

"Hey this isn't my room?" I thought. Just then Kevin walked in.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

"Well you got drunk so I brought you here." he answered.

"Oh thanks." I said. I noticed I was wearing his shirt and looked up at him.

"Why am I wearing your shirt?" I asked a little nervous.

"Well you threw up on your dress so you just grabbed it and threw it on." he shrugged. I sat up and tried to remember what happened. The memories shot into my head And I grasped my head in pain.

"OW! wait? YOU DRUGGED ME!!" I yelled at Kevin. He stepped back shocked. Probably surprised that I remembered.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU!!!" I shouted standing up.

"er I um..." he stuttered.


I placed my phone in my pocket and was walking towards the door when someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see Mitch, Kevin's friend.

"Mitch?" I asked confused. He smiled and pulled me through the crowd to Kevin. Kevin smiled at me and handed me a drink.

"Sorry I don't drink." I said pushing orange drink away. He chuckled.

"It's orange soda silly!" He said handing me back the drink. I smiled and took a long sip. I pulled it away from my mouth and saw a few specs of white powder on the edge of the cup. I sniffed it and gasped.

"Is this...?!" I trailed off. He nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry you're not going to remember a thing." He smirked. I couldn't remember anything after that.

End of flashback

"I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!!" I yelled at him.

"Look I'm sorry it's just... You're a goody-goody and I wanted to have a little fun!" He complained. I swear I could...wait fun? What did he do!!

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY FUN!?" I shouted a little afraid of the answer. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry you're still a virgin, even when you're drunk you don't go too far." He frowned.

"What makes you say Virgin?" I asked calming down and a little embarrassed.

"Oh come on! Your a goody Goody! You're probably waiting till marriage or some shit like that!" He said rolling his eyes. I walked over to him and slapped him. He stood there stunned as I grabbed my phone and close and turned to run out of that hell house when he grabbed my arm. I turned to look at him, tears welling in my eyes.

"Kassidy." he whispered. I freed myself from his grasp and whispered back.

"Tonight is off, goodbye Kevin." And I ran. I ran from my problems, from that house and from Kevin. I picked up my phone and called Jenna.

Jenna's POV

I was snuggled into Caleb's arms as the movie was just about over. The police man was counting down, allowing the millers to get away. The police men said One and as if on cue my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked as Caleb paused the movie.

"Jenna! It's Kassidy, I need help! Please! I'm near Kevin's house, please come and get me!" Kassidy cried.

"Kassidy! Calm down I'm coming just stay put!" She sniffed and mumbled "okay." I hung up and shoved on my slippers and then grabbed a coat.

"Jenna what's wrong?" Caleb asked worried.

"It's Kassidy, I have to go get her."

Heyyyyy!! so I hope you love the chapter!! It's a little longer so I hope you like it!!! Anyway comment, vote or both!! another chapter coming soon!

💜 Tarryn

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