Chapter 8: the concert! I forgot!

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Hey sorry I haven't updated lately! I would say I was busy but that would be a lie, I was lazy haha. so I hope you like the chapter and I will update again very soon! Up top is a pic of Mikayla and Bella.
Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I heard the annoying sound of my alarm. I slapped the desk a few times before it turned off. I slowly sat up and looked around. Caleb stirred as I got out of bed. I giggled. He looked so peaceful, to peaceful.

"CALEB! GET UP!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He shot up, fear was in his eyes. I fell down laughing.

"O-Oh my gosh! Y-your face!" I said between laughter. He glared at me.

"Jenna! You're going to get it" he cried jumping out of bed. I screamed and ran towards the bathroom. He was way faster than me so he easily caught me.

I giggled as he picked me up and threw me on the bed. He began tickling my stomach and I started laughing uncontrollably. how did he know that tickling was my weakness?

"S-stop!" I gasped. he smiled evilly.

"Not until you say sorry." he smirked.

"N-no!" I laughed "please stop!"

"Nope." he said popping the 'P'. I kicked his knee and he fell on top of me. I quickly got on top of him and pinned his hands against the bed.

"Never!" I laughed. I got off him and went over to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and let the Warm water fall on me. For second I thought I heard someone come in but ignored it. I turned the water off and stepped out but the towel and my clothes were gone. I opened The door a crack and peaked out.

"Caleb!" I called. He appeared in the doorway smiling.

"Can you get me a towel?" I asked.

"You mean this?" He asked holding up my towel. I gasped.

"Give it back!" I cried. he shook his head and placed it a few inches away from the door.

"If you want it, come get it." He laughed. My mouth fell open. If I grabbed it he would easily get a perfect view of my boobs!


"Next time you'll say sorry." He smirked.

"Fine I'm sorry! Happy?" I rolled my eyes.

"Nope! Not good enough! Now if you want your towel come get it." He teased. Just then an idea popped into my head.

"Oh yeah? I'll just call Kassidy!" I smirked. I closed the door and ran to where I had put my phone down, but it was gone.

"Damnit!" I cursed. I opened the door a tiny bit again.

"Looking for this" he asked holding up my phone. I glared at him. Then I came up with a brilliant idea. I cocked my head to the side and had a confused expression on my face.

"Well that's a weird place to put a piano!" I said looking out the window. He turned to look and I quickly reached out and grabbed the towel and slammed the door closed. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out.

"Hey! No fair!" He complained. I stuck my tongue out before walking to my dresser to grab some clothes. I quickly grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I got dressed, did my make up and hair, and walked out. I walked downstairs and saw Caleb sitting at the table.

"Hey, is little Caleb's upset that I won?" I teased. He turned around and glared at me.

"Whatever. Well we have 15 minutes to get to school, shall we head out?" I nodded and headed towards the car. He started it and drove off toward school. We stepped out of the car with five minutes to spare. We headed in to the school and towards my locker. As soon as I stepped into the hallway we heard three high-pitched screams. I laughed as Mikalya, Bella and Kassidy ran up to us. They brought me into a group hug.

"So are you excited for Friday?" Bella asked as everyone let go of me. I frowned and she rolled her eyes.

"Did you seriously forget?" She asked, "The Selena Gomez concerts on Friday!"

I gasped. I had totally forgotten!

"Oh yeah! I'm totally excited!" I said smiling. They laughed then I think Mikalya finally noticed Caleb.

"Who's your boyfriend?" She teased. Caleb smiled and put his arm around me.

"This is Caleb and he actually is my boyfriend!" I smiled. They screamed again and I covered my ears. Just then the bell rang and they quickly said bye and scattered. Me, Caleb and Kassidy walked over to math.

My classes went by in a blur and before I knew it it was the end of the day and Caleb was driving me home.

I got out of Caleb's car and waved as he drove off. I got in the elevator and clicked floor three. I walked to my door and just stood in front of it. I haven't been in my room for two weeks!

I put my card in the slot and opened the door. I walked in and flopped onto my bed. I was so happy to be in my own home again! I had justed turned the TV on when I heard the door open.

"So what do you want to do?" I heard Kassidy ask.

"I don't know, want to watch TV?" I heard a boy say.

"Sure." I heard the TV click on. I turned off my TV and quietly tiptoed over to the doorframe. I saw Kassidy sitting on the couch with the boy our age. The boy had dark hair and a blue T-shirt on. I coughed and they both spun around.

"Oh hi Jenna! This is Jaxon." Kassidy smiled.

"Hi Jaxon, i'm Jenna, Kassidy's roommate." I smiled. He smiled and waved.

"So what's going on with you two?" I asked. Jaxon looked nervous and confused but Kassidy wasn't at all either. she smiled.

"Plums" she said. I nodded. Plums meant 'we're just friends, but I wish it was more'. Jaxon looked confused and I smirked.

"Okay enjoy your movie." I walked back to my room and flopped on the bed. I was staring at my phone Bored.

"Okay in three seconds ring. One, two three!" All of a sudden my phone rang and I jumped. I grabbed the phone and answered.

"Hello?" I said a little out of breath.

"Hey Jenna, it's Caleb. Why are you breathing so heavily?" He asked.

"Oh it's a long story I'll tell you later. So what's up?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you want to go to dinner on Friday?" He asked. I smiled.

"Yeah! Wait Friday?" I said trying to remember something.

"Yeah are you busy?"

"One sec let me check." I walked over to my calendar and gasped. I totally forgot, again!

"Yes sorry I'm going to a concert on Friday." I apologized.

"Oh yeah your Selena Gomez concert." He added.

"How do you know it's Selena Gomez?" I asked confused.

"I heard you talking about it with your friends today." He said.

"Oh right, sorry." I said mentally smacking myself.

"it's okay." he shrugged.

"How about Thursday?" I asked him.

"Sure want to go to Boston pizza?"

"Okay see you then." I smiled.

"I'll pick you up at six?" He asked.


"Oh and Jenna?"


"Perhaps okay will be our always." He whispered.

"You're so lame!" I laughed.

"I know, bye!"

"Bye." I hung up laughing. I was the only one who knew his dirty little secret. He secretly liked the fault in our stars and get this, he cried! Yep the bad boy cried! I still tease him about it.

I sighed as a laid back down on my bed. I loved my silly, lame, dumb, bad boy boyfriend!
Hey!! So that was chapter 8! How'd ya like? Oh and thank you soooo much for 825 views!!!! And a shoutout to Demon_gurl669 for all the votes!! Thank you so much! Vote and comment!
💛 Tarryn

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