Chapter 15: kidnapped!

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Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to update! I had school, tests, Internet, a boy;-) and Ya sorry! It's 11 at night here! See, this is what I do for you awesome people! Anyway here's chapter 15!!
Kassidy's POV

I was sobbing into Mikayla's shoulder as she talked to a policeman.

"No, no! Jenna! Please be okay! Please!" I sobbed. I clutched her phone to my heart as I cried.

"Don't worry, we'll find her." the policeman said.

"Oh bullshit!" I thought angrily, "caleb could probably do a better job then yo-oh caleb! I have to tell him!"

I quickly grabbed my phone and tried my hardest to dial his number through my blurred vision. I finally got it and brought it up to my ear.

Caleb's POV

I was watching tv when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID to see it was Kassidy.

"Hey, what up?" I asked.

"C-caleb?" Her voice whispered. I say up and turned off the tv. Something wasn't right.

"What's wrong?" I asked strongly.

"I-it's J-Jenna." I could tell tears were threatening to fall.

"WHAT?! KASSIDY WHAT HAPPENED!?" I cried now extremely worried.

"She....she was kidnapped!" Kassidy now burst into tears. I jolted up and ran to the door.

"I'm coming! Hold on I'm coming!" I cried before handing up.

Jenna's POV

I cried silently as the car continued driving.

What's going to happen to me? I going to die? Will I ever see caleb or my friends again?

Just then the bag was ripped off my head and I looked around. There were three men and they were all smirking at me, well not the driver.

"What do you want with me?" I glared at one of them.

"Oh sweetie, just some simple revenge." The man who broke into my house said. Okay, let's give these dumbasses some names. The guy who broke into my house is now manboobs because he is fat af! His two dumb sidekicks are now dickwad #1 and dickwad #2.

"Hey!" Manboobs yelled. I snapped out of my thoughts to see them staring at me.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"What were you doing?!" Dickwad #1 yells.

"Thinking. You know, that thing you use your brain for oh wait, you don't have one! Silly me!" I cried face palming myself. They all glared at me and shut up.

I looked out the window and sighed. I missed my friends and caleb. I have to escape! I have to see them again!

"Hey girlie!" Dickwad #2 snapped. I raised an eyebrow.

"Girlie?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't know your name-"

"It's Jenna."

"I don't care, now, do you have anything on you that you could contact someone with?" He asked with a tint of annoyance.

I sighed. I had dropped my phone!

"No." I grumbled. They all looked at each other.

"Check her." Manboobs ordered.

"What?" I asked as dickwad #2 came over to me. He ripped my jacket off and checked it. He then checked my shirt and pants. (he didn't take them off her.)

"She's clean." he nodded and handed back my jacket. I snatched it back and glared at him. he had gotten pretty 'touchy' when he checked me. he smirked and I glared at him even harder. I sat back in my seat and crossed my arms.

For the next fifteen or so minutes I just stared out the window thinking. Then manboobs spoke.

"Sack her!" He pointed at dickwad #1 and he nodded.

"What? No!" I cried but he ignored me and tied the sack over me. I struggled for a bit but soon gave up.

"Well, fuck."

Caleb's POV

I parked my car and ran towards Kassidy, Bella and Mikayla.

"CALEB!" Kassidy cried running up to me. She hugged me and sobbed into my shoulder.

"Don't worry, we'll find her." I promised. She nodded but continued to cry. Mikayla came and had to pry her off of me. By now the police were gone and everything looked normal.

"Look, I want to find Jenna because I don't trust these idiots." I say, referring to the policemen.

"B-but how?" Kassidy sniffled.

"Duh! We go all Nancy Drew on this shit!" Bella said.

"Right. Do we have any clues?" I asked.

"Well, we know it's the guy who broke into me and Jenna's apartment and he has some sidekicks. Also I found some texts on her phone...." Kassidy whispered the last part.

"WHAT?! Let me see!" I cried, sticking out my hand. She handed me the phone and I went through the texts.

"Okay, now hopefully of this is the criminals first kidnapping they still have the phone." I quickly typed the number into a find it app and it appeared on a GPS like thing. I smirked at the moving dot.

"Got em!"

Jenna's POV

The car stopped and someone through me over their shoulder.

I groaned as he threw me onto a hard stone floor after a few minutes of walking.

They removed the sack and I looked around. I was in a cement room, probably a factory. There was a mattress on the floor and a bathroom. I stood up and glared at the three men. Manboobs nodded at dickwad #1 and he came towards me.

I did the first thing that came to my head, I backed up. My back soon came in contact with a wall and he was soon in front of me.

"H-hey! Back off!" I said nervously. He smirked.

"Oh sweetie don't worry! You're just gonna go to sleep." and with that he shoved a wet clothe onto my face, covering my mouth and nose.

I immediately held my breathe.
"Hey!" He frowned and slapped me on my back. The impact made me lose my breathe and I instinctively breathed out and then in.

"Damnit!" I thought as my eyesight blurred. I tried desperately to stay awake but sleep overtook me and everything turned black.
Heyyyyyy!!! Yay! I finally updated!! After 24 days!!!! Sorry guys I have been so busy as I said up top and I didn't have time to update. I am very truly sorry and WILL update chapter 16 either this weekend or sooner! *crosses heart* also! One of my absolute FAVOURITE books her on wattpad, my wattpad love by ariana goodley, might become a movie!!!!!!!! She needs people to go on and support my wattpad love to get the producers attention! It would be awesome if you guys could support it! Also read her book if you haven't!! Trust me you won't regret it!! Anyway happy Valentine's Day (Ya Ya I know it's past Valentine's Day but whatever!) hope you guys had a good day with your boyfriends or girlfriends and if your single then hope you had an awesome time with your friends! If not well, that's unfortunate.

💖 Tarryn

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