Chapter 14: the concert

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Hey guys here chapter 14 like I promised!!!
I walked in and waved to Bella and Mikayla. They smiled and ran over.

"Hey! OMG I'm so excited!" Bella cried excitedly. Mikayla nodded eagerly.
"I know right!?" I squealed. kassidy ran over to me.

"So anything new? Like what happened with Caleb?" She asked curiously.

"Oh um ya well Caleb forced me to go to Jonah's apartment today. Jonah slapped my ass and I slapped him and started screaming at him. We went home, I ignored Caleb for a bit but we made up. Then we watch TV and I may of told him I love him." I told them. they all nodded then Kassidy budded in.

"Whoa whoa whoa! You said the L word!?" She gasped. Everyone stared at me.

"Uh ya." I said a bit embarrassed. They all screamed.

"No way! What did he say?!" Mikayla cried. I blushed.

"He said I love you too." they all screamed and started jumping up and down.

"OMG! This is huge!" Bella cried hugging me. I smiled.

"Thanks guys! Now, let's go see panic! At the disco!" I cheered. Everyone else cheered as well as we grabbed our jackets and bags and headed towards Kassidy's car.

We got in and talked excitedly the whole way to the concert. When we got there kass parked and we hurried in.

We ran to the souvenir stand and all bought T-shirts. We took so many photos I swear I used up all the gigabytes on my phone!

Finally the doors opened and we all ran to get seats. Everyone was screaming so I couldn't hear anything.

Just then Brendon came onto the stage and if it was even possible the crowd got louder! The band then sung about three songs when I had to go the bathroom.

"Hey! I'm just going to go to the washroom!" I yelled to Kassidy. She nodded and I pushed through the crowd to the doors.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and did my business. I washed my hands and headed back to the concert. Again I felt as if someone was watching me but I ignored it. This is going to be a fun night! Not one where I go paranoid over!

I opened the door and took one step when someone grabbed my arms and put a hand over my mouth! I gasped and began squirming to get away. I turned my head to see who had grabbed me.

"Remember me?" The man smirked. I gasped. It was the guy who had broken into our house! I kicked his shin and he let go of my arms. I grabbed his hand that was over my mouth and pried it off.

"KASSIDY!!" I screamed. "HEL-" but he slammed his hand over my mouth again. I saw Kassidy turn around to look at me just as a sack was thrown over my head and I felt myself being dragged away.

Kassidy's POV

I was dancing and laughing with Bella and Mikayla when I swear I heard my name.

I turned around to see Jenna being held back by the guy who broke into our house! Just then a bag was put over her head as she was dragged away.

"JENNA!" I screamed. I shook Bella and Mikayla's hands frantically.

"Guys Jenna! Come on!" I cried and ran towards the door. They quickly followed confused. We ran outside to see the man throwing Jenna into a van. There were now two other guys with him and they had guns!

"JENNA!" I screamed. All three men turned to face us.

"Get in the car!" One guy yelled and they all jumped in and started the car. I ran towards the car as they drove away.

"No!" I cried. Bella and Mickayla ran up to me.

"I got a picture of the license plate!" Mikayla said.

"And I'm calling 911!" Bella added, taking out her cell phone. I stepped forward and stepped on something. I looked down and saw Jenna's phone. I reached down and picked it up.

I started flipping through it. I clicked on her texts and saw that she had been texting a unknown number. This was the convo:

Unknown: be careful. You never know what could happen tonight."

Jenna: uh sorry I think you got the wrong number.

Unknown: oh if only I did, Jenna.

I gasped. why didn't she tell me she got these!? I looked up when I heard the sirens of police cars.

Jenna's POV

I kicked and squirmed but I couldn't get away! As I squirmed I felt my phone slip out of my pocket.

"No!" I gasped trying to grab it. I missed and it fell to the ground. I felt myself being thrown into a car.

"JENNA!" I heard Kass scream.
"Kass? Kass!" I yelled.

"Get in the car!" A man yelled. They jumped into the car and started it.

"No!" I yelled trying my hardest to escape but it was no use. I lifted my arm up to look at the bracelet Caleb gave me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought of him.

"I love you." I whispered.
Hey guys!! Here's chapter 14!! Did you like it? I thought you guys would like the excitement! What do you think will happen next? Do you think caleb, kass, Bella and Mikayla can save her? How did the man who broke into her house get out of jail? Well I know but you don't😋 haha anyway hugs and kisses from chocolate!
💙 Tarryn

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