Chapter 12: Kicking ass!

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Heyyyy!!!! So I'm updating! Yay!!😄 so here's chapter 12 and I hope you guys like it!!
I sighed as I looked out the window.

Caleb had a frown on his face. No matter how much I tried I couldn't convince him to let it go.

I saw the apartment building coming to view and I frowned. why did Kassidy have to call!

Caleb parked and stepped out. I climbed out as well and followed Caleb into the building and towards the elevator. All of a sudden I felt as if someone was watching me! I looked around but couldn't see anyone. I shivered as I walked into the elevator.

He pointed to the number panel and I clicked six. The doors closed and we began going up. I looked down and I heard Caleb sigh.

"Look nothing going to happen I'm just going to talk to him, okay?"

I nodded and Caleb ran his fingers through his hair as the elevator dinged and opened. I walked down the hall with Caleb following close behind.

I walked up to his door and knocked. A few moments later Jonah answered and smirked when he saw it was me.

"Why Jenna! What are you doing here? Finally realizing your feelings for me?" He smirked. I scoffed and Caleb glared.

"Actually I-"

"Actually her BOYFRIEND came to talk to you!" Caleb interrupted. Jonah rolled his eyes.

"Oh really? What boyfriend? Jenna doesn't have a boyfriend." Jonah smirked. caleb growled.

"I'm her boyfriend!" Caleb glared.

"Well what do 'you' want to talk about?" Jonah scoffed.

"I don't want you hitting on Jenna or touching her or anything." Caleb said a bit more calmly. Jonah smirked.

"Oh like this?" And Jonah smacked my ass, smirking at Caleb. my eyes went wide and I gasped. I stepped away from Jonah and glared at him. I opened my mouth to say something but I was interrupted by Caleb shoving me behind him and Aiming his fist at Jonah.

Caleb's POV

I stared at him shocked at what he just did. I growled as Jenna let out a little gasp. I grabbed her arm and shoved her behind me. I then stepped forward, clenching my fist.

"Caleb." Jenna cooed calmly, rubbing my arm. Surprisingly it calmed me down a bit but I was still pretty pissed.

She stepped in front of me and glared at Jonah. She then slapped him very hard.

I smirked at his shocked expression as Jenna started ranting.

"How dare you touch me! I am not a toy you can play with anytime you want! I am a person and I deserve respect! I have a boyfriend yet you won't take a hint! I have told you I don't like you and I don't want to go out with you! But no! You keep being a little bitch and won't let me go! I never liked you, I never will so you leave me the fuck alone!?" She yelled.

Jonah was too shocked to speak so he just nodded. Jenna huffed then walked over and pulled me toward the elevator.

I gave Jonah a triumphant smirk before I let her pull me towards the elevator.

Jenna's POV

God I fucking hate him! Why couldn't he understand that I would never like him back? UGH! Why did I have to be so beautiful!? I silently laughed at that last part.

I continued to pull Caleb toward the elevator. I was actually reallyyyy pissed at him. He was the reason I lashed out. God! I wanted this to be an awesome night with my friends but noooooo! He had to ruin it by getting me pissed.

we walked into the elevator and I didn't even look at him. He didn't seem to notice as he hummed happily to himself.

We stepped out and walked toward the car. I got in and slammed the door closed. Caleb got in and seemed to finally noticed my anger.

"Uh, Jenna?" He asked confused. I ignored him and glared out the window.

He sighed and started the car. As we drove back home we were completely silent. He parked the car and I got out and stormed inside to my room, well our room. I locked the door when I heard Caleb following me.

"Jenna! Why are you mad?" He called, banging on the door.

"Go away!" I yelled back, laying on the bed.

"Jenna come on!" He begged. I ignored him. For a bit it was silent until I heard the worst sound ever!

He had gotten the door unlocked.

I growled as he came and sat on the bed.
"What?" I grumbled. He sighed.

"Why are you so ticked?"

"Because you made me lash out and apparently don't trust me enough that you had to make some dumbass guy back off!" I said trying to be calm.

"I trust you! I don't trust him! I don't want him touching what's mine!" He said looking at me desperately.

"Yours!? I am a person! Not some toy or- you know what? I need to calm down so please give me some space." I said, closing my eyes and running my hands through my hair.

He nodded and left. I sighed. I needed to calm down before I did something I'd regret.
Yeah!!!! Chapter 12!! Hope you guys like it and I'm gonna tell you a little secret. In a few chapters there's gonna be........... just kidding!!! I'm not telling you guys nothing!! Hahaha lol! Sorry but I'm mean!😋 haha anyway I have Instagram, my username is tarryns_awesome16 so please follow me!! Anyway that's all so goodbye my fellow unicorn believers!!! (if u don't believe in unicorns then to bad!!)
💜 Tarryn !!

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