Chapter One

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I shifted my backpack straps to a more comfortable position on my back as I walked down the halls.

No one paid much attention to me, of course I was the good girl of the school, so I wasn't surprised.

I saw my three friends huddled near the end of the hall way. A smile tugged at my lips as I quickened my pace.

As I approached them Kassidy, my best friend, noticed me first.

"Hey Jenna, you seem excited." Kassidy observed. That was the thing about Kassidy, she always seemed to notice the smallest things.

"Oh, it's no big deal I just got something yesterday." I shrugged and looked dramatically off into the distance.

Until I realized the "distance" was just a bunch of red lockers that were a few feet away.

"What'd you get?" One of my other friends Mikayla asked curiously.

"Panic! at the disco tickets." I said casually.

"NO FREAKING WAY! REALLY?" Bella, my final friend, cried excitedly.

A huge grin spread on my face as the rest of my friends began freaking out and talking about the concert. I chuckled as they all began talking about outfits and what seats and everything.

Suddenly I felt someone staring at me and I turned around. I noticed a guy looking at me curiously.

Not just any guy mind you, it was Caleb, the bad boy.

He and his group of friends were known around school as the group. No one messed with them, no one talked to them. Each of them never stayed with a girl more then two weeks! They screamed trouble and I personally wanted nothing to do with them.

I noticed Caleb's best friend Kevin nudge him and begin conversation and that's when I turned back to my friends.

Personally I had never seen Caleb talk rude to a teacher, insult anyone or harm anyone in any way. But he was the leader of the group for a reason, and the other boys sure didn't know when to shut their mouths.

"Boys are only trouble." I mumbled to myself as I tried to join into the conversation again.

Caleb's POV

I stared at the girl with dark brown curly hair. I couldn't help it, there was just something about her, it made me interested.

What are you doing you idiot! You don't even know her damn name!

My eyes widened for a second as she turned to face me. I couldn't see the colour of her eyes but they held curiosity and obvious distrust. I heart tugged at the thought of her already judging me but what did I expect? I was known as the bad boy, the leader of the school gang, the girl dropper, heartbreaker. Who was I to expect anything less?

But for some reason I did, and that's what hurt.

I felt someone nudge me and I turned to face Kevin. He was looking at me with suspicion.

"Yo dude, you alright? You haven't talked at all." He whispered. The others didn't hear us and paid no attention.

"I haven't talked, what's the big deal?" I muttered back. I turned my head to look at the mystery girl again but she was already talking and smiling with her friends.

Oh my god that smile...

"Oh my god you like her!" Kevin hissed. I slammed my head towards him in shock.

"I do not! I don't like girls remember? I just date them and drop em." I stated with a frown.

"Yeah, but when did you first notice her?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

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