I looked up to his eyes, "You really need to go?".

He smiled, "Yes baby. It's almost 12 now. I need to go back to my hotel and started to pack".

I nodded my head with a pout, releasing him from my hug. He laughed as he saw my pout and bopped my nose.

"Is my baby sad?" He cooed, patting my head.

Instead of reply, I circled my arms around his neck and planted my face on the crook of his neck while I sat on his lap. Like a koala, I hugged him tightly with both my legs around his hips. He laughed as he hugged me back with the same amount of force.

"Aww, my baby" He cooed again, hugging me tightly while he rocked our body to the left and right.

"Don't go" I said with a pout, snuggling my face deeper into his neck as I inhale his nice smell.

"I'll be back tomorrow if you want me to" He said, caressing my hair softly.

We broke the hug but I still remained on his laps with my arms around his neck. I looked at him in the eyes, full of admiration and love. I love this man so much.

"Thank you" He broke the silence as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"For what?" I asked him.

"For loving me, for accepting me and for agreeing to be my girlfriend. I'm so happy to have you as the love of my life" He said as tears started to build up in his eyes, making his eyes shone under the moonlight.

He continued, "I never thought this day would come. I always dreamt of having you, owning you, feeling your warm hugs and kisses. I only thought that dreams will only remain as a dream. But now I own you, I have you in my arms and get to call you as my girlfriend. You have no idea how happy I am today".

"I have been liking you since high school and never once I lived the life without loving you. No matter how broken I am, my heart always chooses you. It will always be you. I can't believe now I can proudly call you mine".

He cried in my arms, tears falling down more and more as he speaks. Tears built up in my eyes as well as I heard him speaks. I can't imagine how much he had suffered because of me. How hard he was holding back his sadness all these times when he was with me. I don't deserve him.

"I'm so sorry, Tae. I didn't know. All these times I was blinded by my love on Minkyung that I didn't see you as more than a friend. You were always there for me when Minkyung did something that hurts me. You always told me how Minkyung wasn't a good one for me but yet I refused to listen to you and Jimin. If only I knew you love me that much, I would have loved you back" I said, wiping away his tears with my thumb.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you were suffering because of me. I'm sorry I was so dense to see your love for me. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for realising it after I lost you" I cried harder and I planted my face back to his neck to find comfort.

He patted my back gently as he shushed me, "It's not your fault, baby. It's mine. If only I wasn't that coward to tell you how I feel on you, things wouldn't go this way. I'm sorry for being coward".

He pushed me off of his embrace to look at me straight into the eyes. He wiped away my tears and gave me his best smile. I was still sobbing like crazy but he just gave me his beautiful smile which makes me smile as well.

"What matters the most right now is that I have you, now in my arms. I promise you, I will make you the happiest girl alive. I'll shower you with all the attentions, kisses and hugs that you wanted and I'll make sure no one will ever hurt you" He said, reassuringly, "Because I love you, baby. I love you so much".

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