Chapter twenty: A surprise

Start from the beginning

"That's easier said than done." Emma gasped out.

"Do as I say, or we will destroy you both." Rumple hissed out as Emma's eyes widened. "We have no choice." He waved his hand and Lillian threw a fireball at her boyfriend, tears clouding her vision. "Peter!" I shouted before I rolled away, dodging him before she disappeared in smoke, reappearing next to Rumple in time for Zelena to lift Regina up in a choke hold.

"Only light magic can harm me. And you're as dark as they come." Zelena chuckled out darkly. "It was your destiny to be this way. And will also be your undoing!"

"Don't...tell me...what I can be!" Regina grunted out hatefully and Zelena smirked darkly at Regina before turning to Lilith and doing the same as she did to Regina.

"I tried to be good once, but it wasn't in the cards." She chuckled out. "This is who I am, and it's who you are!" Lillian caught sight of movement and watched as Peter stood, his eyes wide at the sight of her struggling.

"You're wrong, sis." Regina gasped out and Lily felt my hands tingling, gasping out as Zelena's hold around her neck tightened even more in her panic.

''What are you two doing?" Zelena asked, her eyes wide with panic as Lillian managed to look down, shock filling her at the sight of pearly white magic surrounding her hands. She focused on all of the good parts in her life. Rumple, Neal, Belle, Henry, and most of all ... Peter.

"Changing." Regina said with a smile before the white encircling their hands shot out of them, smashing into Zelena and flinging her off her feet where she landed hard on the ground. Lillian fell to her knees, standing up quickly and rushing to Peter and Neal as Regina stalked forward and ripped Zelena's brooch off with a sneer. "I make my own destiny."

The swirling magic slowly subsided and everyone watched as the monkey David began fighting turned in Little John at the last moment, breathing out a shaky laugh against Peter's chest as he cradled Lily tightly to him, pressing his lips against the top of her head.

"How did I do that?" Lily asked softly, looking up and Peter smirked down at her, pressed his forehead against hers as he breathed softly.

"Love." he whispered softly and Lillian closed her eyes before she jumped on him, laughing softly as he spun them around before he set her down and kissed her hard, his cool hands cupping her face as he deepened the kiss.

"Come on you two!" Lillian jerked away from Peter to see Neal smiling faintly at them as he, Emma, Robin, Little John, David and Hook began to walk from the barn.

"You failed." Regina said, turning and chuckling. "You're not going anywhere."

"I beg to differ." Rumple growled out and tightened his hand into a fist before he moved it to his chest, dragging a struggling Zelena across the dirt to rest at his feet. "I'm gonna make you pay for everything you've done to me." He promised darkly as Lillian stepped to his side, her eyes flashing red.

"And I'll help."

"What are you waiting for?" Zelena demanded, gasping loudly. "Just do it!"

Lily shared a dark look with Rumple and nodded once, making him turn back to her and raise his arm. "With pleasure."

"No!" Regina shouted and Lillian started in surprise when a 'whoosh' sounded and Rumple's arm was jerked back. "Enough." Lily looked up to see Regina holding the Dark One dagger and snarled angrily at her, only to be pulled away from Rumple and into Peter's arms.

"Love, don't. This ends now." Lillian turned in Peter's hold to see Regina waltzing toward them, clutching the dagger tightly, with Robin flanking her as he aimed his crossbow at Zelena.

"After everything this witch has done you're gonna protect her?" Rumple asked, gesturing toward said witch angrily, his features twisted with rage and pain.

"Good magic stopped her. And good magic doesn't exact vengeance."

"She tried to kill my daughter!" Rumple sneered out with rage, pointing fiercely at Zelena. Though it wasn't a happy moment, Lily's eyes filled with tears of joy. He wanted Zelena to pay for what she had done to her, not for what she did to Rumple. He wanted her to pay because she hurt Lily.

"How many lives have we taken trying to get what we want, Rumple?" Regina asked softly and he turned to look between Lillian and Regina, his lips twisted into a snarl.

"You can't be serious." Rumple whispered out and Lillian nodded.Walking out of Peter's embrace as she hugged him tightly.

"I am. Heroes don't kill." Regina answered softly

"So now you're a hero?" Zelena mocked, earning a smile from Regina.

"Today, I am."

Lillian smiled faintly as Mary cooed over her baby, tears of joy leaking out of her eyes as her own happiness at being reunited with her baby filled the room, Lily let out a tearful chuckle as she settled next to Mary Margaret and ran a finger against his chubby cheek, laughing louder when David caught sight of the action.

"Please tell me you aren't planning on giving us another bundle of joy for a while yet." He pleaded, his eyes filled with amusement and tears as Lily shared a thoughtful look with Peter, who raised an eyebrow at David.

"Well, who said we aren't already past the planning stage?" He asked, tilting his head to the side as David's face rapidly purpled, making both teens start chuckling as Lily leaned back against Peter's chest, the sight of their mirth letting David know they were joking.

''But, I did have something else planned.'' As everyone turned to Peter. Lillian frowned as Neal, Henry, Regina, Emma, Killian and Robin walked into the room. Smiling at the little boy.

''Then what are you planning Pan?'' Regina asked, folding her arms over her chest.

''Well, my dear queen, I have something for Lillian.'' As now Lillian stood up, frowning as Peter took her hands, he smiled. ''Dear Lily ... I know that we are only young in these forms, but I've known you for a very long time.'' As he spoke the words, Neal pulled Henry close, as both of them now knew what Peter was planning.

Mary, David and Emma glanced at each other as David nodded, he'd known all this time. He had after all, given Peter his blessing to do this.

''And I want to spent the rest of my life with you.'' As Peter got on one knee, he pulled out a small jewelry box, opening it as a small ring was placed on it. ''Will you marry me?''

As Lilith stared up to the ring, Peter chuckled. ''Any day now ... ''

''Yes! Yes you dork!'' As she pulled him back on both feet, everyone started to clap, David and Neal most of all as Lily pulled her now fiance in a sweet kiss.

They are going to marry!!!!!!! Oh gosh, I was so not ready to write it because it feels like they are growing up but I had to do it. They are meant for each other and I love their pure relationship. What do you think of them getting married? Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, leave a vote, comment, follow and maybe even a theory/suggestion for their wedding. See you n two days!

-X Violet's-library.

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