27 | Medic on Duty

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Throughout the week, Sachi's been helping students of U.A. with injuries, tutoring the ones who were struggling in academics, and listening intently to the stresses of others. She gave the best advice she knew and provided confidence in some who had a negative view.

Recovery Girl had daily lessons and practices for Sachi to perform. Tasks like: which injury needs which treatment, the differences in medicinal products, what to do in a dire situation with limited resources, basic maneuvers for people of different ages, and how to calm down panicked citizens in a major villain attack. Sachi has aced them all, growing more and more confident in her skills and abilities, and slowly but surely, began to view herself as a true medic.

Then, she was put to the test when she and Recovery Girl were sent to Hosu, after a massive villain attack struck the city out of nowhere during the night. Nomu of different sizes terrorized the citizens, and no doubt caused a few fatalities. As well as the surfacing of the Hero Killer: Stain's capture.

From the news broadcast, Sachi watched on the bullet train at daybreak, clad in her white and black uniform. She watched as the spokesperson described the destruction and provided details of the villains who caused the attack, and later found out that it was the League of Villains who were behind Hosu's devastation. Sach gripped her phone tightly and scowled, having a growing hatred for the League.

The thick columns of smoke in the distance reminded her of the Octopus Villian she helped defeat well over a month ago. The destroyed buildings and the white smoke of dampened fires surrounded the two nurses once they got off the train. They joined the workforce in gathering civilians and treating their wounds, and Sachi had to temporarily split from her teacher to treat the injured in a larger radius.

Currently, she was patching an area that was scratched raw on a young boy's leg, stretching the gauze over the wound after disinfecting it. The little boy was clutching his mother's dust-covered jacket as Sachi pinned the gauze in place, tears falling from his sore eyes and down his dirt-stained cheeks. Sachi looked at him with a soft smile, digging into one of her many cases she brought along and offered a red lollipop. It didn't do much to help the poor boy, but he stopped crying and nodded a shy thanks.

"Thank you so much!" the mother said softly, hugging her child close to her chest. She was covered in scratches and dirt, and the young medic had taken care of her sprained ankle. Sachi nodded towards the woman.

"It's alright! Paramedics are on their way, so stay here and don't put any weight on your foot," the young Bakugou instructed, clipped her case closed and stood. It pains her to leave these citizens here, but the heroes that wondered about were protection enough, and reinforcements were on their way, so Sachi could relax a little and move onto whoever needed her help.

She turned heel after giving the little boy another smile and jogged off down the torn street. Rubble and upturned cars were everywhere. Windows were shattered or cracked, innocent people in shock on the streets, and some were being evacuated from unstable structures. She held up her left arm and typed a message on the device that clung to her forearm, saving a detailed report to the device's hard drive for further study. Sachi has already tended to over fifteen patients, and after each one, she wrote a report to herself. The report will help her review what she's done and see what she needs to improve on for the future.

She approached a few heroes escorting a crowd of citizens out from a mostly-burned building. When she got closer, the male hero with four arms pointed at her, instructing the injured to go to her for treatment. Sachi felt a faint surge of pride, subconscious of the medic armband that stuck predominantly to her left shoulder and the red crosses that spotted her uniform. Some heroes that were standing by helped her clear a spot for the injured, creating a temporary safe haven for the patients.

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