16 | Class 1-A

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Sachi kept a strong façade against the many stares of Class 1-A. She glanced to Aizawa, but the pro hero was already fast asleep, slumped against the far wall in his yellow sleeping bag. Her anxiety started to sprout as she stood before the classroom awkwardly, waiting for somebody to break the silence.

"Hey! Wait a minute! You're the girl from the hallway! The one Sero and I bumped into!" a familiar redhead exclaimed, standing up from his desk. Kirishima's red eyes sparkled with fascination. "You look so manly in costume!"

Sachi giggled, a bit confused by the 'manly' thing. "Thank You!"

"Oh! Oh! I have a question!" an empty sleeve of a U.A. uniform stuck out into the air. "What made you want to become a nurse at U.A.?"

"I think the real question here is how old is she?" a boy with a crow's head pointed out. "She looks too young to be a pro."

"I was put through a series of tests to prove my worth to U.A. before becoming a member." Sachi replied calmly, "And my birthday is coming up, actually."

Her answer seemed to satisfy the invisible girl and the avian student. Then, Izuku shot his hand up and Sachi called on him with a smile.

"Since you're our personal nurse, every time we get injured, do we go to you first?" Izuku asked intently. Most of the class murmured in agreement.

Sachi cleared her throat. "That's a good question. It is advised that you come to me first, yes. I, however, will not treat any injury that's serious. If any injury is indeed serious, I'll provide prior treatment to lessen the pain or stop the bleeding, then I'll send you straight to Recovery Girl immediately afterward."

"That's so cool!" Ururaka squealed. "I can't wait to see what kinds of things you can do, Sa-Ba– I mean, Cherry Bomb!" Sachi gave her a polite chuckle.

As more students raised their hands, eager to learn more about the new member of their team, a certain boy was steaming with rage and he roughly stood with his hands slamming down on top of his desk. "SACHI!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?!" The blonde girl flinched at her brother's loud voice, which surprisingly didn't wake up Aizawa. Katsuki's eyes were filled with fire. "YOU'RE NO PRO, NOT EVEN A LICENSED DOCTOR!! SO TELL ME WHY U.A. CHOSE YOU TO BE A NURSE FOR US!!"

"Bro, calm down! I think it's pretty cool that -" a boy with a bolt of lightning in his hair tried to put in his opinion defensively, but was immediately cut off by Sachi's enraged brother, pissing him off further.


Sachi frowned and raised her hands to try and calm her brother. "Listen, Katsuki, I'd tell you if you'd stop yelling!"

Katsuki menacingly glared back at his sister but awaited her answer with clenched fists. His teeth were bared, and Sachi took a quick breath and faced the class.  "As you all know, I'm your nurse, but the reasons why that is, is unbeknownst, even to me. I don't know what U.A.'s true intentions are, but Principle Nezu has said that this temporary occupation is primarily for my protection." -Sachi shook her head, still in the dark of the whole truth- "The news of this caught me off guard as well, but I signed up for the job nonetheless."

"Excuse me, Cherry Bomb," a girl with dark hair sitting behind the creepy boy from earlier called out with a raised hand. "Pardon the interruption, but are you somehow related to Bakugou? Your hair and eye color are strikingly similar."

Sachi nodded. "I am. I'm his little sister."


After a long hour of getting to know Class 1-A personally, Sachi was overjoyed to have met new people outside of her circle. Ururaka has introduced Sachi to the rest of the girls in her class, which Sachi had learned of their names thanks to Izuku.

The pink girl was named Mina Ashido, the invisible girl was named Toru Hagakure, the frog-like girl was Tsuyu Asui, but she prefers to be called 'Tsu', the girl that sat behind the creepy boy was Momo Yaoyorozu, and a girl with earphone jacks was Kyoka Jiro. They were all bewildered that a kindhearted person like Sachi was remotely related to a hostile Katsuki, and they openly preferred Sachi over him.

Speaking of her brother, he was surrounded by most of the boys in the class. The only ones who weren't crowding him were Izuku, Iida, the avian boy named Fumikage Tokoyami, and the boy with the facial burn scar named Shouto Todoroki.

Besides the ones clamoring for answers from Katsuki, the rest of the boys approached Sachi and kindly introduced themselves. The multi-armed boy was named Mezo Shoji, the tall, muscular boy was named Rikido Sato, the gentle-hearted boy was Koji Koda, and an ordinary boy with a tail was Mashiro Ojiro. The one that literally sparkled from the other four was a boy named Yuga Aoyama, a feminine French boy who pulled Sachi into a delicate embrace in an overdramatic fashion.

"Oh, mi amore!" Aoyama dramatically sobbed, resting his cheek against Sachi's head. "To have a frère such as he is truly affreux! How distasteful! How tragique! A frail doll such as you should always be protected and cared for! But do not fret, my dear! I will save you from that monstre of a frère~!"

"Pfft-haha! What are you even saying, Aoyama?" Ashido laughed. Aoyama glared at her with glazed eyes, still holding Sachi close.

"Moi? I am almost heartbroken to even imagine what kind of torture mademoiselle must've endured! Oh, what kinds of nightmares has she expérimenté! I am merely showing la sympathie for our sweet!

Releasing Sachi from Aoyama's hold, he twirled around and stuck his arm out towards Sachi, holding a slim piece of paper between two fingers. "My number and e-mail, mademoiselle~! For any time you're in a gênant situation, please, do call~!"

"Cherry Bomb will send you all an e-mail containing her contact information later today," Aizawa spoke suddenly, silencing everyone.

"Does that mean we can ask for help on the homework?" Kaminari, the boy with the lightning bolt, asked.

Aizawa sighed, visibly regretting he ever spoken up. "Yes, and before every test and quiz, Cherry Bomb will host a study group via online chatrooms and video calls."

The entire class erupted in an outburst of cheer. Sachi was pleased to see everyone overjoyed, except for her brother, whose glare never flinched away.

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