🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀 PART 2

Comenzar desde el principio

"Of course, remember, don't be home late and ask for pictures." Rosie said, testing her son.

"I'm not going to ask for pictures, it will make it seem like I only want to be his boyfriend to get to them." Flash said defensively.

"And, I actually really like him and I don't want to mess this up...." Flash said as he stood up to check himself over.

"I know honey, I was just testing you. Now go, and have fun." Rosie said kissing his cheek.

"Ok, thanks mom love you." He said kissing her back.

He grabbed his keys before climbing into his car, and waving goodbye to his mom and sister. He drove off, driving to the tower.

With Peter

Peter was nervous. His hands where shaky. What if they don't like Flash? What if they don't forgive him. He took a deep breath.

It's okay, he'll still love flash.

"Hey kiddo, so I talked to the Avengers and they can't be here to meet you and your boyfriend cause they're at the compound talking with Fury, but they said if anything they might be able to visit later." Tony said walking into the kids room.

He looked him over. He had a suit on with his tie perfectly tied.

"Hm, never knew you knew how to tie a tie." Tony said smirking at the kid.

Peter laughed.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Mister Stark." Peter said cheekily.

"Come on kid, I'm basically your dad, why with all the Mr. Stark crap. At least call me Dr. Stark, Mr. Stark reminds me to much of my dad." Tony said sobering up a bit.

"Alright Alright Anthony lets go" Peter said laughing as Tony groaned.

"Kid your killing meeeeeeeee." Tony groaned.

Peter just laughed as they walked to the living room. The dinner table was set, as they where just waiting for Flash. Tony went and gave Pepper a kiss. They looked so cute together. Peter smiles as he quickly took a picture.

 Peter smiles as he quickly took a picture

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(Their outfits)

Peter laughed as Tony took a picture after.

Peter laughed as Tony took a picture after

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