
Depuis le début

"You're about to laugh, I know you are" Aubrey chuckled, looking down at Alijah who was smiling largely before a short giggle came out. "See, I knew it"

"My funny baby" Camilla kissed Alijah all over.

"You wanna go for a drive?" Aubrey asked Camilla, looking at his phone screen for a brief moment allowing a short grin to appear on his face.

"What are you up to, Aubrey?" Camilla put her hand on her hip and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Nothing" he wrapped his hand around waist, pulling her into his chest.

"Aubrey..." Camilla folded her arms.

"I know what hospital and room Gwen is in, I'm gonna go there and tell her not to press charges. That's it" Aubrey confessed.

"Tell daddy that he's crazy" Camilla lightly bounced Alijah up and down on her hip. Alijah waved his tiny hands up and down, making Camilla and Aubrey laugh.

"Last time you were supposed to speak to her, she nearly cost you your marriage" Camilla thought to herself.

"C, just let me fix this"

"I just don't want you to get in trouble" Camilla looked down at Alijah for a moment, clearly worried about what would happen next.

"I won't, and neither will you. I'll fix this, I promise"


Aubrey stood outside of Gwen's hospital room, staring at her through the clear window then entering the room. Her face was bruised and battered, but aside from that she appeared to be in good health.

"How are you feeling?" Aubrey said, standing at the foot of the bed. Gwens eyes shot open as she heard his voice.

"What are you doing here?" Gwen seemed to be in a state of panic.

"Just here to talk to you, I heard about the incident so I came to see what's going on" Aubrey looked around the room before focusing his attention on her.

"I hope you know that I'm pressing charges" Gwen scoffed.

"Why would you want to do that?" Aubrey folded his arms.

"She attacked me, that's assault"

"You fought her back, you weren't attacked"

"You weren't even there! You're going to say and do anything to defend that-" she stopped herself.

"Good decision" Aubrey chuckled. "Pressing charges is unnecessary. What do you want Gwen?-"

"I want her to suffer for what she did, I'm not taking anything from you. Both of you have brought so much distress to my life and your child would probably be better off without the pair of you" Gwen said, making Aubrey's eyes widen with disbelief.

"Now I'm gonna leave before I do some shit that'll lead me to go to jail; but before I do, let me tell you something as long as I'm here, Camilla and my son will never have to suffer. If I have to hurt you and those you love for you to understand how serious I am, I will. So go ahead, but you don't know what you've started" Aubrey glared at her.

"Don't threaten me, that's not going to make me refuse to press charges"

"We'll see" he shook his head at her, laughing. Gwen's face grew distressed, she seemed to be uncomfortable and afraid. Aubrey was met on his way out by a man, whom he'd never met before.

"Who was that?" Aubrey heard the man say as he exited the room.

Aubrey walked back to his car, Camilla was sat in the passenger seat and Alijah at the back in his car seat. He kept quiet as he drove, trying to keep his anger in tact based on what Gwen had said.

"What happened?" Camilla asked.

"She said some shit that pissed me off, now I gotta do something I didn't want to"

"Aubrey, don't do anything you'll regret"

"I won't" Aubrey clenched his jaw, pulling out his phone as they approached a red light and sending a text message Baka.

"What did she say?"

"I don't even wanna get into this right now" Aubrey muttered.

"Tell me" Camilla furrowed her eyebrows.

"She said she wants you to suffer for what you did, we brought distress to her life and Alijah would be better off without us" Aubrey spoke with nothing but pure disdain and aggression when he reiterated what she said.

Camilla raised her eyebrows and licked her bottom lip, fighting back what she wanted to say.

"Just do what you gotta do, don't get in a trouble" Camilla cleared her throat. Aubrey gave her a brief look, nodding at her and continuing to drive as he calmed himself down.

"Let's go" he muttered, getting out the car and opening Camilla's door before taking Alijah out of his car seat and holding him.

"Why are we here?" Camilla looked round at the large area land. There were construction workers all around carrying out measurements and putting up wooden forms.

"You can't see it now, but in about 8 months time, we're gonna be living here" Aubrey said.

"What?" Camilla laughed, clearly amused but still puzzled in regards to what he was talking about. Aubrey shook his head, chuckling as he walked back over to the driver side and took out a folded piece of paper in the glove compartment.

"Read this, if you still don't understand then ask questions" he joked, handing her the paper and giving her a minute to process it while he played with the baby.

Camilla skimmed her eyes across the paper before reaching to a halt and looking up at him.

Aubrey had found a place for them build their family home. He'd spent time with a contractor and finalised the details. In some way this was his way of trying to fix his wrongdoing, it was just the start of his process of rebuilding Camilla's trust in him.

Camilla squealed loudly, hugging Aubrey and planting a long kiss on his lips.

- authors note: -

Hi guys lol, I'll be revealing who killed Lorenzo in book 2. You'll get a hint at the end of this book, but essentially book 2 gets crazy and you'll see a lot of things come to light.

Thanks again for all your support!

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