17 - TALK

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As Carl and I were playing with Judith, a gunshot went off, sending the both of us to become cautious. It came from inside, everyone's at the meeting, mostly the adults are the ones who are required to go so Rick told us to stay put and just watch Judith.

"Do you think we should check on 'em?" I asked before putting Judith on my lap and letting her play with my hair.

"Maybe it's best if we stay here." Carl tells me and I nod.

Carl sits back down on the floor and started playing with Judith as well. The baby started gathering all my hair and making a mess, until her little hand got tangled up in my hair.

"Okay, ow." I flinched as I try to take Judy's little hand away but it's stuck. Carl is snickering beside me. "You're being real useful by laughing at me."

Carl lets out a small laugh before helping me untangle Judy's hand from my hair. The baby was laughing as I was flinching, which somehow made me smile a little. She's just like Carl.

"Alright, Ass-Kicker, enough with my hair." I told Judy before handing her to Carl.

A knock on the door made me and Carl look at each other. I got up and told him to stay put, before going towards the door and peeking through the peep hole.

It's Enid.

I opened the door. "Uh, hey?"

She gave an awkward smile. "Um, I just passed by and I thought maybe... nevermind."

She goes to turn around and was about to leave, but I stop her. "Hey, come in. Join us."

Enid looks back at me. "I don't wanna interrupt—"

"It's fine, it's just me, Carl and Judith." I told her before opening the door even more. Enid looks hesitant and shy. "Seriously, Enid, come in."

Enid faces me before she went inside. Carl looks up when I closed the door and his eyes landed on Enid. He looks confused but doesn't say a word.

"Go sit down." I tell Enid and she obeys, sitting on the couch. "You know what? I was just about to heat up the leftover lasagna," that was a lie. "You should stay for dinner."

Enid doesn't know what to say so Carl looks at her with a small smile. "Yeah, you should."

Enid looks back at me and I smiled at her, before she nodded. "Yeah, okay."

I went to the kitchen and grabbed the lasagna from the fridge. When I turned around, Enid was standing by the counter.

"Hey, um, what's the real reason why you came here?" I asked as I popped the lasagna in the microwave before heating it up.

It's unlikely of Enid to just come over for no reason and stay for dinner.  I leaned against the kitchen counter, across from Enid.

She looks at her hands. "I just thought maybe we could talk. I know, it's a dumb idea—"

I shook my head, cutting her off. "No, no, it's not. You can always talk to me. What do you wanna talk about?"

She looked up at me for a second. "It's about Ron."

"What about him?" I asked, taking a glance at Carl. He's too busy playing with Judith.

"He's..." Enid trailed off, making me look back at her. "He's acting different again."

Different? Again? "What do you mean?"

Enid sighs. "When everyone found out that his dad's hitting his mom, he just sort of... I don't know, he became hotheaded. He's always snapping at me for every little thing."

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝟐.          carl grimesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ