13 - PARTY

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"You coming to the party tonight?" I turned around and saw Ron by the sidewalk.

I got up pretty early and Carl's still asleep. He looks so peaceful so I didn't bother to wake him up. I'm outside the porch drinking hot chocolate, I never thought I'd be able to taste this again but here I am.

"What party?" I asked, I wasn't informed about this. Ron then tells me it's a welcome party for my group and he tells me that I should go.

"My mom has a few nice clothes you can borrow." Ron offers and I smile at his kindness.

"Thanks, but I think I'm good." I told him and he nods, before walking away.

I heard the door open from behind me and arms wrapped themselves around my waist. Carl rests his chin on my shoulder and I smiled even more.

"Morning." I haven't heard his voice this raspy and husky. It's kinda hot. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

I took a sip from my drink before answering him. "You needed some sleep." Carl nuzzles into the crook of my neck and his breath tickled me. "By the way, there's a welcome party happening tonight. Deanna's hosting it."

"I don't wanna go." Carl mumbles. I kind of don't want to go too, but it's been while since I've been in a people gathering. Plus, we're the main guests so we should definity go. I shake my head lightly. "Nope, we're going. I don't know what I'm going to wear but I'm gonna try to find a dress maybe."

Carl lifts his head off my shoulder. "Okay, I'm going." He said and I asked why. "You're gonna wear a dress. That's a sight I don't wanna miss."

"I might." I chuckled lightly before hitting Carl's arm. I turned around and smiled up at him. I always have to look up since he's taller than me and I'm just below his ears. "I gotta take a shower."

Carl kisses my nose, then my cheeks, then forehead, then chin, then gives a kiss to my lips before letting my go. I rolled my eyes at his sappiness but inside my heart is doing cartwheels and somersault.

I spent about half an hour taking a shower and a good five minutes of brushing my teeth and hair, before I put my clothes and shoes on. I decided to wear something simple, just some grey shorts and black loose shirt. Carl decided to take a shower next so I took that time to go through my clothes and find something presentable to wear.

— later

I ended up borrowing something from Jessie. I wore a simple burgundy colored dress and I actually kind of like it. It's sleeveless though, I'm contemplating if I should bring a jacket or not. For the first time since the outbreak, I'm not wearing sneakers or boots, instead I'm wearing flats. My hair is down again, I like the way it's naturally wavy at the end.

Carl is impatiently waiting outside his room, yes I'm in his room, and he's been complaining for the past couple of minutes, telling me to hurry up a little.

"Screw it." I dropped the jacket to Carl's bed before opening the door. "Alright, let's go."

Carl dressed up good, even with just a simple outfit. He's not wearing his hat, revealing his long brown hair. I reached up and started combing his hair with my fingers, trying to make him look more handsome than he already does.

"You should get a haircut." I tell Carl before dropping my hand down. He's still staring at me. I waved my hand in front of his face. "Hey?"

Carl snaps out of it and clears his throat. "You look stunning."

"So do you, sport." I smiled before holding his hand. "Now come on."

My mom, Rick and Judith were downstairs waiting for us. My mom and Rick smiles at us before we all head out to Deanna's house.

When we got there, there were already people inside. My mom places the cookies she made on the table before she starts socializing with people, Rick went towards Deanna and her husband to talk, while Carl and I went to the tables and grabbed a beer.

"Should we be drinking?" I asked Carl as he fills up two cups of beer. He hands one to me and nods his head. "Yeah. There's nothing wrong."

I took a sip of beer and honestly, it doesn't taste that bad but it's not that good. I looked around the room and saw almost everyone holding a cup of alcohol.

Carl and I went to the hall where there were less people. I leaned against a wall and Carl stands across me. "I give it an hour before everyone here gets drunk."

Carl shakes his head. "I give it less."

I took another sip of beer and I'm slowly getting used to the taste. Carl is staring at me while he drinks, I pretend not to notice but I damn well notice and it makes me feel self-conscious.

"You look really beautiful." Carl tells me and I looked at him with a shy smile. "Seriously, even before. You're always beautiful."

"Okay, when did you get this cliché?" I joked, looking at him. "But thank you though. You look better than I do, you just don't give yourself enough credit."

Carl goes to say something but then the door opens again, revealing Jessie and her family. Ron spots us and immediately goes to us.

"Sup." He and Carl do this shake hands before nodding his head to me.

"Where's Enid?" I asked, I haven't seen her sincr yesterday.

"Parties aren't really her thing." Ron tells us.

Mikey appears from the other end of the hallway, a cup of something in his hands. "There you guys are."

"Glad you can join us." Ron sarcastically says to him.

Sam comes up from behind him and he frowns when he looked at me and Carl. "You guys don't have stamps yet."

Carl and I looked at each other, confused, before looking back at Sam. He pulls out this stamper. "Hands please."

I gave Carl a look before holding my hand out to Sam. He placed the stamp on top of the back of my hand, before he does the same to Carl. We thank Sam before we went off to somewhere. There's a red A on my hand, a sign for Alexandria.

"There. You guys are officially a part of Alexandria." Ron tells us before smiling.

"Toast to that." Mikey says before raising his cup.

The four of us raised our glasses and clicked it together, before letting ourselves enjoy.

Tonight, I feel like a normal teenager. This is what I would've had if the world didn't become like this. But it's okay, I'm enjoying it. Even if it's just for tonight.

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