14 - DRUNK

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In the middle of the night, in this formal adults party, I find myself actually having fun. It feels foreign, having fun and laughing and having conversations with other people apart from my group. It's foreign, but it's good.

Earlier a woman named Angela asked me what was my favorite dish, since she's cooking them for all the newcomers. I told her I'd eat anything as long as it's food, I'm not that picky when it comes to food. I mean, we did eat a dog in able to survive from starvation. Everyone else seems to be having fun too, apart from Sasha, who snapped earlier and left the party. Daryl's nowhere to be seen, along with Aaron and Eric.

"Uh-oh," Rosita chuckled as she looked at me. "Somebody's drunk!"

Look who's talking. I only had like two cups of beer and I can't even count how many Rosita has drank.

I rolled my eyes at the latter but kept a smile. "You're the one to talk. I'm fine, you're not."

"Oh yeah? Well how many is this." Rosita raised her hands up, eight fingers up. I rolled my eyes again, finishing my drink before answering her. "Eight."

"No, it's seven." Rosita said and everyone who's joined us in this small circle—our friends—laughed, most of them drunk and tipsy too. Rosita began counting her fingers, trying to make sure she was right. "No, no... it's nine."

I pointed at Abraham, who looked at me. "She needs to rest. Take care of her."

The man nodded before I stood up, wobbling as I do so. I stumbled on my own feet a little. Glenn and Maggie laughs before helping me stand up straight, while Michonne and the rest are laughing at me.

"Your mom's gonna be pissed." Noah tells me and I waved my hands, as if I was dismissing it.

"I'm not drunk." I chuckled. "Has anybody seen Carl?"

I spotted him talking to Ron and I immediately made a bee-line towards him. Carl's eyes landed on me as soon as I approached them.

"Are you drunk?." He asks and I immediately shook my head.

"No, I'm just kinda sleepy." It is getting pretty late and some people already went home to rest. Carl nodded, placing his cup on a table before facing me. "Let's go you to your house."

We both waved goodbye to Ron and he waves back, then we make our way through the crowd. We passed by Rick, who's carrying Judith, and he looked at us with an amused smile. "Underage drinking's illegal, kids."

"We only had a few." I stated to Rick and he chuckles, before Carl rushes me out of the door.

I heard Rick tell him to not do anything stupid, making Carl mutter something under his breath.

"What did you say?" I asked as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Nothing." Carl dismisses it.

Soon, we reached my mom and I's house. The lights were on, meaning my mom was there. When we entered, she was at the kitchen cleaning up. Her eyes landed on me and she sighed.

"You're drunk?." My mom asks and I rolled my eyes, shaking me eyes.

"I'm not." I chuckled. "Why is everyone asking me if I'm drunk?"

My mom chuckles as well. "Okay then."

Carl leads me upstairs and into my room. I think I've only slept here twice, because I would always stay over at Carl's and sleep on his bed. Sometimes we go to sleep early, other times we make out on his bed before sleeping. Is that weird? I don't think so. Yeah, it's not weird.

Carl sits me down on the bed and I looked up at him. He's sweating a little and his face is slightly red. "Are you drunk?"

"Just tipsy." He answers before sitting beside me.

I let out a breathe before leaning my head against Carl's shoulder. He wraps an arm around me as I close my eyes, ready to sleep. "I love you."

I can hear Carl's faint chuckle before he places a kiss on top of my head. "And I love you."

Those sweet words came out of his mouth and it makes my heart swells. I grabbed Carl's other hand, lacing my fingers with his before squeezing it. He squeezes back instantly and we stayed like that for a couple of seconds before a yawn escaped my mouth.

"You should get some sleep." He said and I nodded, feeling sleepier than before. "I'm gonna go home. See you tomorrow?"

He lets go of me and I frowned at the sudden loss of warmth, but Carl quickly kisses my forehead. "Okay."

— next day

I was taking a walk out of boredom and randomly passed by Jessie's house, seeing her on the porch so I waved at her and she did the same thing, when a frantic Glenn suddenly rushed pass me and up to Jessie's porch.

"Where's Pete?" Glenn asked Jessie in a hurry. "We need him now!"

"He's inside, I'm gonna go get him." Jessie hurries back inside to call Pete.

I walked towards Glenn. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He tells me and I felt relieved. "It's Tara, she's not fine."

Glenn tells me that Tara's hurt badly in the head, she's loosing blood fast.

"Aiden's gone. So is Noah." He tells me and I'm in shock again. Aiden is Deanna's son and I can only imagine how she's feeling and dealing with this right now.

Noah and I were never really close, we exchanged a few words and polite nods but other than that, we never really had the chance to get close to each other. But still, I lost another friend, we lost another friend.

Pete comes out of his house and runs away with Glenn, probably to the infirmary where Tara is. I was gonna follow them but Glenn told me to just stay put.

The next day, I saw Enid climbing up the walls again. This time, I decided not to hide anymore. I walked up to her.

"Hey," I call to her attention, making her look back at me. "You shouldn't come out there all by yourself. It's dangerous."

"I can handle myself." Enid tells me before she started putting the metal sticks on the wall again. "You should just go."

"Does Ron know you go out there?" I asked out of curiosity. Enid shakes her head, telling me that Ron doesn't need to know about this. "Of course he does, he's your boyfriend."

"He wouldn't understand." Enid tells me firmly and she has a point. Ron doesn't know what's out there or what it feels like to be out there. "Just go, Farren. Pretend like you never saw me."

I shook my head. "Nope, not happening. I'm coming with you."

This time, she faces me. "Does Carl know you followed me the other day?"

"How'd you know I was following you?" I asked.

"You weren't exactly being quiet." Enid tells me before turning her back against me. She starts climbing. I sighed before I start doing the same, making her look down at me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm following you again." I tell her and motioned for her to continue climbing. She does and I copy her actions. "Plus, it could be our thing."

We got over the walls in the matter of minutes and landed on the ground safely.

"I'm letting you go with me, but this doesn't mean we're friends." Enid tells me before she started walking, me following her.


okay just to clear things up, there will be mo carnid action here. all there is are carren and erren (farren & enid). yes, i'm spoiling you, enid and farren will become sort of best friends. carl's still her best friend tho.

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