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"Aoi! Akashi! Hurry or you'll be late for daycare!" you said as you were already wearing your shoes. You are dressed in a simple casual clothes and you waited for the twins to finish up.

"Mommy, Akashi is having a hard time with his feet clothes." you laughed at Aoi's term for shoes. He usually forgets about the terms he should use but it was cute anyways.

You got on your knees as you help Akashi on tying his shoelaces and held both twins in the hands on each of your hands.

You are about to close the door of your apartment when Akashi started to yell, "Katsu-niichan!!!"

And that made you look behind you, seeing Katsuki was also closing his door and surprise was all written on his face.

"You live here?" it was obvious that Katsuki wasn't expecting that you and the twins were living on the apartment across his.

You nodded, "Yeah, we just moved in last week."

And that made Katsuki realize that he was not home for a week due to hero duties. But his heart was about to explode after seeing you. You are too beautiful and he thought that it was already bad for his heart.

Due to that thoughts, Katsuki blushed furiously. It was really out of character but who cares?

"Mommy! Did you know that Katsu-niichan is a hero like papa?" Akashi tugged your shirt as he was pointing Katsuki.

"Yes mommy. He's cool!" Aoi's eyes started to sparkle. You giggled, as you saw the two boys fanboying over the tall male.

Katsuki couldn't help but to smile. He walked closer to the two boys and bent down - ruffling the hair of the two boys. The two boys complimenting him gave a boost to his pride.

"But y'know what? You brats are going to be a cooler heroes when you grow up." He spoke with a calm yet manly voice.

You covered your mouth as you tried to keep your chuckles to yourself, Katsuki wasn't as bad as you first thought.

"So, where are you heading?" Katsuki asked as soon as he stood up, facing you.

You suddenly remembered that you're going to bring Aoi and Akashi to daycare today, "Oh right! I'm supposed to bring them to daycare today and as for me, I'll be searching for a job."

Katsuki wanted to go with you too. But he felt a slight fear, what if you'd say no? He wanted you to be comfortable with him and even if you don't have your previous memories, he wanted you to start over- as a family.

But this was his chance, now that you are already within his reach, "Oh. Then I'll just walk with you then. My workplace isn't that far from the nearest daycare in the neighborhood."

"Katsu-niichan! You'll coming to school with us?" Akashi asked with his famous lively tone.

"That's right. But promise me that you and Aoi will be the best kid in class, a'ight?" Katsuki raised both of his fists, and the two boys responded with a fist bump.

You, Katsuki and the twins were walking down the streets, Katsuki holding both of the kids while you were just walking beside him.

The people from the stores started to whisper, but one vendor decided to greet you and Katsuki, "Good morning, Bakugo-san! Are you going to bring your kids with your wife to school?"

You waved your hands, "No, I... we.. we're not-" you were quite flustered that people thought you're Katsuki's wife and about to oppose when Katsuki himself interrupted you.

"Yeah. We're bringing them to daycare. Talk to ya later." It was the first time you saw Katsuki smirked.

After that he let Akashi hold Aoi's hand while Aoi's other hand was holding Katsuki. And his free hand grabbed your wrist as he pulled you towards him.

You slightly smacked Katsuki's arms that made him chuckle, "What are you talking about!"

you asked, but you never felt mad about it. It's just that it was too embarrassing and you just literally just met him.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm just joking around, calm down." Katsuki grinned widely.

"What a lovely couple." you heard the vendor sighed that made you blush furiously.

"We're not a couple!"

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