Sing chapter 29.

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Paige's pov-

Yes, I did in fact get over Andy. It still bothers me because it somehow makes me feel insecure, but I'm much better. Today Demi's performing in Moline, Illinois and I finally decided to perform on stage with her. I'm performing "Catch Me," and "Don't Forget" with her. She's ecstatic about me performing with her. But I'm a nervous wreck.

While I'm back stage getting ready with Demi, I feel like I'm about to puke. Her make up artist just did my lips so I'm just going to hold it down so I don't ruin them.

"You okay?" Demi asks concern written all over her face. Nodding yes, her hair stylist continues crimping my hair.

"So is the outfit good or what?" I giggle turning in front of the full body mirror waiting for Maddie's response.

"It looks amazing Pay," Maddie laughs as I make silly faces in the mirror. If you want to know what I'm wearing I'll tell you. I'm wearing a pink button up crop top and whitewash jeans. My hair is obviously crimped and I'm wearing moccasins. If I must say I do look pretty good.

"Paige time for you to go," some crew member states. I wave bye to Maddie, and follow them out of the dressing room to the stairs that would lead me stage. I put in my ear piece and I hold the microphone. As in waiting I hear Demi talking to them.

"I usually do these two songs alone, but tonight I'm having a special guest. Please welcome, Paige Lovato!" Demi announces, and the crowd uproars with screaming.

Walking out on stage I wave to crowd, but I can barely see them due to the bright lights. Smiling broadly I finally reach Demi and give her a hug. And the music for "Don't Forget" begins to play. We practiced this earlier, so I know when to come in and not sing. After I finished I started walking off the stage, and I could hear the crowd screaming super loud and their chanting my name.

Walking over to the manager of the tour I ask "Can I perform Nightingale with her?"

"Sure thing," he smiles.

I tell him how I will do it, and I race off to go put on a white dress. It's short and fringy at the bottom. A pink belt thing goes across my waist and the top is a floral patter. My hair is tied into a high bun with a floral bow right in the middle of the bun. I winged my eyeliner and put on my black flats and skip down the hall to wait.

When the music for "Nightingale" begins, I stand on the platform that will raise me, when it's actually suppose to raise her. The thing is, she has no idea I'm going on stage.

I grab my microphone and prepare my self to be lifted up. I look up and see Demi looking down. Covering her mouth from being surprised. I begin to giggle and I forget my microphone is on so it echoes through the whole Arena, a bunch of screams respond to my giggle. The song is still going and Demi isn't singing it because it looks like she's crying. As I begin to be lifted up I sing the lyrics.

"Can you be my nightingale. Sing to me I know you're there. You can be, my sanity. Bring me peace, sing me to sleep. Say you'll be my nightingale. I don't know what I would do without you."

I take a breather and let Demi finish the rest. Her voice ends up cracking a bunch, and I know I'm making her proud. As I'm being lowered I join her again and walk over to her. It's towards the end of the song and there's one last line. I grab her hand and we raise our hands high as a symbol of how strong we are now. This is my strongest point. Singing the last line. The lights go out and I hug a crying Demi.

"You look so beautiful. I'm so proud of you baby," she cries.

"I love you mom," I sniffle soon crying with her. Many people are screaming because our mother daughter moment is being heard by everyone at the concert. The lights go back on revealing a hugging teary faced Demi and I.

"Give it up one more time for Paige," Demi booms into the microphone. The crowd screams in response and I wave to them making them scream louder.

I soon hear "stay strong" being chanted.
The screams get louder than before and I skip off stage and from the curtains I look out to see Demi burying her face in her hands. She's crying again. I made her proud.



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