It'll be okay chapter 15.

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Demi's pov-

After two hours of looking for Paige we found her. She was outside beaten to the bone. It was horrible sight, and since I don't know who did it or exactly what happened there's no way I can take action.

I'm in Paige's and Maddie's hotel room, and Paige is asleep in her room. Maddie's on her phone facetiming Bea. I decide to check social media, and notice that I'm being talked about by everyone. Mostly about kicking a girl out of my concert for bullying. Thankfully, no one's taking it in a bad way, they're all  talking about how this a big step to help end bullying. I smile to self then hearing a "Mom," being echoed through out the room. I scramble to Paige's room and notice she's awake.

"Hey baby," I say.

"It hurts everywhere Mom," Paige whines.

"I know baby here's some pain medication." I state hanging her the medicine.

She takes the medicine dry then gulps down half the glass of Apple juice that's next to her bed.

"You hungry?" I question her. She sits there for a little while not sure if she should eat or not. I know what she's thinking, but she nods a quick yes, and I run into the kitchen.

"Ramen noodles ok?" I shout. I receive a "Mhmm," and "I want some too Demi!" from Maddie.

While the girls are eating in Paige's room Maddie asks "So what happened?" Paige then explains everything that happened, but not listing any names. I scrunch up my face confused of who could of done this.

As I carry the girls bowls and forks to the kitchen I then get an idea. I can have security check the cameras to see what happened, or we can get a glimpse of the faces.

The next day Paige's swelling has gone down, and she can walk and talk without being in pain. She does still have a black eye, and a couple bruises on her stomach along with cuts from being kicked all over her body.

"You going to tell me who did this to you?" I question her.

"Nope!" Paige says popping the p. I groan in frustration, and continue walking with her back to the arena. She then stops in her tracks facing the forest preserve behind the arena. Staring at something, eyes wide in fear. I try to look at what she sees but I see nothing. I grab her arm and try to drag her back inside but then I hear rustling in the bushes. Two figures of girls pop up, and then run further into the forest. What in the actual fuck. I grab Paige wedding style and run inside. No way in hell am I letting those things get close to us.

When the two of us reach inside Paige stutters, "Anne and Ali. It was them."

So they're the ones who tortured Paige? Pulling out my phone I make a quick tweet stating

@ddlovato:Brazilian Lovatics watch out for two twin blonde girls while you're at the arena today. If you see them tell one of the crew members xox

Paige's phone buzzes with a notification. I smirk at her. "Got my notifications on for me huh?" I laugh.

"Yeah but why the hell did you tweet that? Weirdo," she giggles pushing me a little. The two of us laugh for a little, but I soon have to leave to get hair and make up done.

Paige's pov-

I don't feel safe. I mean who would? If you were in my situation would you? There's two fucking twins lurking around the perimeter waiting to get Demi or I. I wouldn't let them touch Demi though. So she'll be okay. Sugar is watching over me as Max watches over Demi, and the arena security guards are keeping an eye out everywhere.

Sugar and I sit on the stage together before Demi's fans come in for soundcheck.

"Can you sing?" He asks me.

"Nope." I chuckle. He nudges me towards the microphone.

"Sing," he states. I nod and stand up. I grab the microphone and sing the first line to "Lightweight," but stop when I see Anne and Ali.

"They're here!" I scream, running back stage towards Demi's dressing room not wanting to look back. I mean Sugar can take down two 15 year old girls right? I reach Demi's dressing room and bang on the door.

Demi's pov-

Getting dressed in my soundcheck outfit banging on my door is heard.

"Yes?" I say coldly.

"Let me in they're here!" Paige shouts. I unlock the door pulling Paige in locking the door. I call Max and have him go check on my lovatics, and make sure they're ok. All my family is still at the hotel. Nick is wandering the arena, and Wilmer is in the bathroom. Who do I call?

I call Nick and Wilmer and they both said they'll be here ASAP. Nick arrives first, and he sits next to Paige kind of protecting her. It's actually quite cute.

After about 10 minutes waiting for Wilmer, he finally arrives.

"Mi hermosa, Paige you ok?" He pants. We both nod at the same time. Wilmer goes to Paige to hug her, and then walks over to me and pecks my lips. I smile softly.

"Did you lock the door babe?" I ask.

"No but I can right now," he huffs standing up to go lock the door but something pushes the door open, well attempts to push it open before Wilmer locks it. I run to go help Wilmer.

"Nick, lock Paige and your self in the closet, and take the chair and wedge it in front of the door!" I screech out. Nick and Paige scurry into the closet with the chair, locking it. We can really use some help right now.


An: double update omg!! Just cause I double updated doesn't mean there won't be an update tomorrow! Hope you liked these two chapters! Thoughts on Anne and Ali?? Anyways Peace out Girl Scout

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