Andy and Nick chapter 26.

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Paige's pov-

"Bye Mom love you," I shout while walking to the mall. Pulling out my phone scrolling through Twitter while waiting for Andy to arrive.

"Hey beautiful," Andy whispers into my ear. Smiling gently I look at him. He grabs my hand and we walk through out the mall.

Sliding my phone in my pocket I ask him "What do you want to do?"

"Well, I was thinking I let you buy whatever you want," he replies with a smirk.

"How about we just shop and pay for ourselves?" I offer. Andy groans a, "whatever," and walks around with me. Surprisingly, he doesn't complain about all the girly stores I go in. He actually helped me pick out plenty of things. He did end up buying me stuff I said I liked but didn't buy. Typical charmer.

Demi's pov-

"Hey Lovato!" Nick yells in the café taking me out of my trance.

"Hmm?" I respond.

"What are you thinking about?" He questions.

"Nothing, just....Wilmer problems." I mutter looking down at my phone. Nick reaches out to grab my hand causing me to look up at him. He stares into my eyes, and you can see the concern in his eyes.

"You can tell me anything ok?" He whispers.

"I know, thanks Jonas!" I giggle awkwardly. Looking at my phone. 3:30. Shit I was suppose to pick up Paige half an hour ago.

Paige's pov-

"Stop poking me!" I laugh while sitting on a bench with Andy. Waiting for......Drum roll please......Mom! She's always late I swear.

As I throw back my head from laughing, Andy grabs my waist and pulls me into a kiss. My stomach twisting and turning, I kiss back.


"Stop eating each other and get in the car Paige!" My mom screams from her Cadillac. Mouthing sorry to Andy, I jog to the car and get into the backseat.

"I don't want you seeing him anymore," Mom states blankly.

"Maybe Wilmer was right. You are boring," I groan staring out the window. Staring out the window I can see the side mirror, and through the side mirror it shows a lip quivering and teary eyed Demi.

Banging my head against the window cause of my stupidity Mom turns her head to look back at me to see what I'm doing.

"Paige stop," she commands. Stopping, I pull my knees up to my chest, and bury my face into my legs. I'm not going to cry. I am upset and feel guilty. I have to make this up to her somehow.

Mom pulls into the driveway getting out first and just walks away, not waiting for me. She gets in the house before me and shuts the door leaving it unlocked. Man I must of made her feel like shit.

Sitting on the porch I bury my face in my hands. I feel like shit now too. And having mom feel like shit, and me feel like shit isn't safe. I should just get over my self, and stop being selfish and apologize. Right after I'm done crying.

Demi's pov-

Rushing inside I go straight to the piano. And begin to write something.

About a hour after writing I notice Paige hasn't come inside yet. Yes, she did make me feel bad, but she's my daughter, and I care for her more than I care for myself. But what if she was kidnapped, or she ran away? I shouldn't have left her outside.

Running to the front door I peak out it, and see her sitting on the porch her head in her hands. She probably thinks I'm pissed at her.

I scurry to the kitchen to make two quick cups of hot chocolate and head outside. Opening the front door Paige turns around with bags under her eyes and tear tracks running down her cheeks.

"Hey baby girl. I made us some coco." I say.

"Thanks," she mumbles grabbing the cup out of my hand. I plop next to her, and we both exchange apologies.

"You know I think Andy seems like a bad kid, and I just want what's best for you." I inform her.

"Yea I know. But it won't stop me from seeing him." Paige retorts back.

"I know sweet heart, but I'm warning you. Let's go inside now." I reply, helping her get up.

"Thanks for the coco by the way," she thanks me, kissing my cheek and skipping inside. Man I'm lucky to have such a beautiful daughter.


An: OO Demi's going to be right. Don't ask what I mean. You'll see.

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