I remember you chapter 22.

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Demi's pov-

When I woke up from my nap that felt like 10 minutes long, but was actually an hour, I heard giggles and talking through out the room.

I looked at everyone in the room. A huge smile on my face. Maddie was sitting on the right side of my bed. Nick was in a chair in front of me. Marissa was next to Nick. Scanning the room I noticed what looked like a very small body sitting in a chair away from everyone. Looking at what seems like a familiar, young girl my smile fades, and I stare at her. She stares right back at me. Both looking into each other's eyes.

I need to talk to her. Calling Marissa over I whisper in her ear.

"Get everyone out of the room but that Paige girl," Marissa nods and grabs Nick's ear and grips Maddie's arm.

I look over to Paige who is staring at me and shaking uncontrollably. She looks like she's about to cry.

"Paige," I begin only to be interrupted.

"No don't bother remembering me. I'm not worth it Mo-I mean Demi," she whimpers.

"But," I try to continue.

"Just stop you're making this hard for me. You don't understand how hard it is to see you not remember me. I'll tell you what we have been through together and then I'll leave ok?" She commands. Nodding slowly interested in what she'll tell me. I give her my full attention.

"Well I am Paige Hiller. I was the biggest bitch in 8th grade. I ran the school. And I hated you" she pauses tears in her eyes, but continues. I don't even think she noticed she stopped. "I don't remember why I despised you. Anyways, I bullied everyone. Then you came to our school to prevent bullying and you caught me bullying a girl. When the assembly started you embarrassed me in front of the whole school, then sang "Skyscraper". Later that day I was bullied severely for being a bully, if that even makes sense. Then I told you I was going to kill myself. You believed me and that day was March 14th. 2 years later I was still alive and you were performing in Rosemont, Illinois for you Neon Lights Tour on March 14th. My friend Yasmin dragged me along cause she adores you. We were right by the walk way. By the way I was purging in the bathroom when you walked in there. You'll understand if you ever remember. But you then spotted me and noticed me. Later that night you ran into me at Subway, and wanted to meet up at your hotel on the 15th. Apparently you were going to pick me up and I didn't know so I asked my mom. My parents who were divorced, and my little sister Paisley were ecstatic about me meeting up with you. The someone "killed them" and my mom was the only one who lived. So my mom became an alcoholic as soon as she was released from the hospital and yelled at me. That night I called you and told you I was leaving. You were back in L.A. By now and was about to board a plane back to Illinois to make sure I was ok. But little did you know I was flying to come live with you. So anyways, my mom told you that my Dad and Paisley were still alive and they didn't want me no more. So you went to court and adopted me. We then traveled to Brazil only to run into my ex-best friends/ bullies at your concert. Who ended up beating me and leaving me outside to die. We did press charges and blah blah. I had air plane troubles. Then you performed on American Idol and brought me with you and I was snatch away by Wilmer because he wanted me to help him come up with a romantic surprise before you left to Europe. But one of the bully twins disguised as me and pretended to be traumatized and you fell for it. I got left behind and wandered the streets only for you to find me at Taco Bell. Then we talked and you found out I was suicidal. You being your caring self wanting to send me to rehab. But since I'm stubborn I flipped and stomped out of the room. I called Wilmer and he criticized me. You broke up with him. I was then sent to rehab for only one month to be picked up early by Nick. Him telling me you were in the ICU due to a coma. I got emotional and cried. I haven't really eaten anything so my recovery is jacked up. Surprisingly, I only relapsed once and that was when they took you off life support and your heart stopped. So, I spent 6 months an emotional wreck thinking I was going to lose my super hero, only to find out you woke up. Then I over hear you have no idea who I am. So I did lose my super hero. So there's my story. I know you're. And I will be leaving now. My number will be changed so don't check you contacts. And I'll be far from here. So I don't remember all the distraught I was put through. So goodbye Mom," she spills out. I watch her terror in my eyes and then some memory comes to mind.


"You wanna watch more?" I ask my sleepy girl.

"No thanks mommy," she replies. Did she just call me mommy? My heart flutters and fills with love replacing and forgetting about all the hurtful words she told me earlier.

I carry Paige upstairs and place her in my bed. I snuggle against her. "I love you mom," she says with a soft smile on her face.

"I love you too Paige."

Flashback over

"Wait!" I screech. Paige turns around raising her eyebrows as an indication for me to continue.

Tears begin to brim her eyes once again and little smile plays on her lips.

"Paigey I love you baby girl come here," I gush, smiling wide. I remember her. I remember my baby girl.


An: yes in fact I did type Paige's little speech again. But ya Here's Demi's pov from what happened. So update later tonight or tomorrow. KISSES

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