Chapter 2. I'm Demi Lovato

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Demi's pov-

As I finish typing my tweet I shut off my phone, so I don't have to deal with many notifications while I'm on the plane. I'm going to Edminson Jr. High this Friday and apparently the bullying is really bad there. I hope it doesn't affect my recovery. I've been out of rehab for a little more than a year and things have been going well. I have relapsed a couple times, but I'm getting my life back on track so hopefully it won't happen again. My song Skyscraper has been doing so well, along with my other hit give your heart a break. Plus I'm going on a mini tour this summer and I'm so pumped for it!


I have no idea what to wear. I'm about to have a panic attack. Can this day get more worse I mean I woke up just a hour ago! I am not prepared to walk into junior high again. I haven't been to one since I was bullied right before I dropped out to be homeschooled. I don't want to get bullied .

"The blade is right there"

I turn my head my suitcase that contains my razor for shaving. Maybe just... No I can't. I can't. I am strong now. I need to stay strong for my lovatics. I glance at my wrists, which have "stay" and "strong" tattooed on them. And that's what I'm going to do, stay strong. I can't slip up again. I grab a pink pastel floral sundress and a white cardigan and hurry out my hotel room door to meet Max in the lobby.

As I arrive to the school there are many students in a giant group waiting outside the front door. If I guess right, they're out there waiting for me. Max drives to the back of the school to meet the principal. She rushes over to the black SUV and opens the door for me. I give her a small thankful smile. "Oh, hello dear. Thank you so much for coming, hopefully the students will stop bullying each other after you give your speech. Oh by the way I am principal Fawn." She continues to blab non-stop as we enter the school. She soon leaves me to myself to look around and get a "Vibe" as she said, from the school. Whatever that means. I mean I was homeschooled how am I suppose to know what that means? The school does remind me a lot of the school I went to when I was younger. I continue to wander until I hear loud laughing, and faint crying.

I rush to the scene witnessing a girl with long pretty blonde hair tied to the side, and in a bright pink outfit beating up a girl with carmel hair pulled up into a high pony tail. She has shattered glasses on her face and tears rolling down her face. My heart literally shatters at this sight. There seems to be 20 bystanders laughing at this sight.

One student decides to scream, "Oh my god it's Demi!" And it seems all eyes are on me now. Everything goes silent. The laughing, and the cries from the Carmel haired girl stops. The blonde girl looks me top to bottom and then mouths "Fat." A small smirk sneaks onto her lips as she notices my eyes tearing up and me staring right at her. My lip starts to quiver but I leave it alone. I look every kid in the eye and then shake my head in disappointment. I grab the Carmel haired girl's hand and help her to the nurses office.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Demi. What's your name?" I ask sincerely concerned about her.

"Shirley," she replies barely above a whisper. I squeeze the young girls hand and ask her the question that has been lingering in my mind.

"What is the blonde girl's name?" I question.

"Oh, that's Paige Hiller" Shirley groans. She then hugs me and mutters a simple "Thank you," as she enters the nurses office. Paige Hiller has no idea what's coming to her.


An: yay update!! Well it's Demi's birthday. Lil' monkey's is 22 now:(. Anyways help Demi win a vma by using #votedemiLovato on twitter, Instagram, and vine. But drama is starting. Uh oh! Next update is Thursday or 2 votes and 1 comment for an earlier update! Peace out Girl Scout

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