It'll be ok I promise chapter 10.

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Demi's pov-

"Well the thing Is Paige I might of seen someone you aren't a fan of at the roller rink," I whisper.

"Well, who was it?" She asks me.

"Itwasyourmomandsheknowsihaveyou" I say really fast.

"Slow the fuck down Demi," she commands, obviously irritated at my stalling.

"Your moms in L.a. And she saw me with you?" I say in a slower pace making Paige gasp.

She then started crying. "Please don't make me go back. Please!" She cries

"Hey, hey, hey, sweetheart, you aren't going anywhere ok? I'll have a court session with your mom and get custody over you. Ok?" I sweetly explain with a soft smile. Paige sniffles, nodding her head and getting out of the car.

Paige got inside before me, so when I went inside she wasn't in her room. God damn it is she in the bathroom? I jogged to the bathroom knocking on the door.

"Paige you in there?" I question.

"Yes..I'm good. I mean I have to pee so can I pee peacefully?" Paige giggles. Oh thank god she's ok. Maybe she really is getting better.

Paige's pov-

I'm not getting better if you think so. I'm the same and I really need a cry for help. Something that'll make Demi think "Oh my god she isn't ok. I need to help her," but honestly I have no idea what to do.

I clean up my mess and walk out to find Demi sprawled on the couch watching Discovery channel. A documentary about mermaids. Hmm, looks interesting. I plop next to Demi on the couch, well not next to, more like sitting on her feet. She points her feet and they end up digging into my butt.

"Ow what the hell," I shout in agony. Demi looks at me and laughs at my reaction. I stand up not wanting to feel pain in my ass again, and throw my self onto the reclining chair.

After the documentary is over Demi's asleep on the couch. I smirk at the sight. Her limbs are about spread out everywhere. Her mouth is wide open and her eyebrows are furrowed along with her little nose scrunched up. She does look beautiful, but her snoring is obnoxious. I rush to the kitchen to grab my phone off the charger. My phone was next to Demi's, and as I'm waking away I see that she has a message from a number. Since I know her password I unlock the phone and snoop.

The message reads, "You can just have custody of her. We can go to the court meeting still but I'll just hand her over." It was from my mom. She isn't going to fight for me. She doesn't want me. I feel like a useless piece of trash. Wait, I am a useless piece of trash.

Knowing to not snoop anymore I lock Demi's phone only to see another message come from the same number. Repeating my routine I read this message, "Paisley and her dad didn't die. I wasn't drunk that night either. I just wanted to get rid of her. I don't want her in my family. Our household was perfect until she got bullied at school. She needs to go well see you at court ttyl!"

They aren't dead..? Letting my mouth hang open for a couple minutes in shock I allow my self to lock the phone and just continue what I was going to do in the first place. Record tired Demi. I just can't let my emotions or thoughts spoil my rotten trick to play on Demi.

Getting my camera out and pressing record I show all angles of sleeping Demi. Wait, it gets better.

"Demi, Demi." I shake her.

She looks up at me going "mmm?"

"I'm going home with mom now, bye!" I whisper darting out the door. I creep into the bushes to spy on her, and to record her reaction through the window. She's standing, looking around trying to recover from her sleep. She has no idea where I went. She thinks I left. Oh my god. I giggle to myself and see her walk over to her phone. As she unlocks it, it goes straight to her messages showing that someone had read them and went on her phone. I'm the only other person in the house so sadly she know it's me. Which means I need to go confess and listen to her rant about how beautiful I am. I still won't believe her.

I press the stop button and walk back inside. "Paige..." She starts.

"Demi I know my mom hates me. It's because I would get bullied. And apparently they never divorced And I didn't know? I was the unwanted kid because I was being bullied. Want to know who caused the bullying? YOU. You did. I could of still been in my perfect family if it wasn't for you," I snap at her letting all my anger out.

I feel like a weight is lifted off my chest, but looking at Demi her pink hair covers get face and you can tell she's crying. I made her cry. That was me. And this isn't "I care so I'm gonna cry" or "happy tears cry" it's a "you hurt my feelings cry", and I feel horrible. Another weight is put on me. I just snapped at her. She didn't do anything.

"I'm sorry.. I just," I begin only to be cut off.

"Paige just please go to your room. Now," she states emotionlessly. I scurry up the stairs, and look down to Demi one more time before I go into my room. What the hell have I done?


An: just a little update since I might not update tomorrow cause I'm going to the eye doctor. Anyways hope you enjoyed. Peace out Girl Scout .

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