Chapter 3. Is this the end?

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Paige's pov-

Cool my least favorite person caught me bullying Shirley. Surprisingly, she didn't lecture me? Hm maybe because I called her fat? I shrug at my thoughts as I continue down the hall that will lead me to the auditorium. Principal Fawn made me stay in the school all day. Ugh, i need to get revenge on that bitch. I'll figure that out later though...

As I enter the auditorium I see Demi standing on the stage right in front of Ali and Anne. I face palm myself as I begin to sprint to the girls. As I grab their hands both of them glare at me but I stare at Ali, then Anne. They know it's time to go after I'm done looking at them. The twins nod at me as to tell me they understand. I look up to Demi who has her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. And as if on cue her eyes widen, and stare into mine. She recognized me. A lump forms in to my throat as I throw her the most cheesiest and fakest smile ever. I gulp the lump and race to find seats far away from the stage.

As we take our seats the principal starts to speak into the microphone. Making her voice boom louder than it already does. "Good morning Edminson Jr. High. Today we have a special treat for you guys! Demi Lovato is here to speak about bullying plus perform her hit single, "Skyscraper" so please welcome Demi Lovato." Principal Fawn gushes handing the mic to Demi.

The audience of students all begin to clap. I moan and slouch into my seat in frustration. She begins this worthless speech by saying "Paige Hiller please stand"

My face turns a beet red, at least I think it does. I slowly start to get up, listening to the school laughing at me. As soon as they quiet down Demi continues. "I am here to stop bullying at your school and right here is one of your school bullies. Today I witnessed Paige punching, kicking, and verbally bullying my friend, Shirley. If you guys didn't know, verbal bullying is still considered bullying. There were also many bystanders watching this scene occur, and sadly all those students did was laugh. If you see someone being bullied please tell an adult because bullying is not ok," she finishes.

The music to her song "Skyscraper" begin to play, and I block out everything around me. The laughing, the pointing the name calling. Demi Lovato just embarrassed me in front if everyone.

Once the assembly is over I run out of the doors. Being the first one to escape the hell chamber. As I make my way to lunch I get ambushed by a bunch of 7th graders. They begin to spit, spit balls at my face and hair. I continue to lunch ignoring them, untangling and wiping off the spit balls from my hair and face. Once I sit with Anne and Ali everything will be better. I'm sure of it.

I grab my usual seat by Ali and Anne, and they both shoot me a dirty look. "Why are you two looking at me like that?" I question sternly.

"Well, you see, Demi made us realize that you're a big bully that's deserves no friends. So, as where I'm going with this is" Ali hesitates, "You can't sit with us anymore"

My mouth opens widely in shock. "You totally stole that from Mean Girls," I shout having tears streaming down my face.

"Paige, just leave we don't accept bullies here." Anne fires at me.

Why don't they want my anymore . If bullying is such a big deal why are they bullying me? I walk away with my head bowed in shame. People start to call me names and tell me to kill myself, and that they never liked me. The one that stung the most was, "Your the only one who deserves to get bullied. Do us all a favor and cut," ouch, that hurt.

As the mean comments keep rolling in I emerge out of the lunch room through the fire exit, jogging all way home in complete sobs. The thing is I didn't make it home. I ended up collapsing to the ground shaking from crying. They're right, I am a horrible person.

Voices in my head tell me to harm myself in horrific ways. But.

Do I want to thought? I should listen to them. Listening to the voices thinking it's my gut talking. I mean everyone says trust your gut right? As I finish my crying I scurry home unlocking the door to an empty home. Great home alone again. I lock my self in the bathroom breaking my shaving razor into pieces. I pick up one of the broken pieces. Do I really wanna do this? As I place the thing that should relieve my pain to my wrists the tears prick my eyes. I hope Demi Lovato knows she just ruined a 13 year old girls life.


An: whoop drama. So I started school today. AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Weird I know don't judge. But I'm going to a carnival tomorrow so I'm not sure if I'll have time to update tomorrow so if there's no update tomorrow there'll be one Saturday! Well peace out Girl Scout.

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