Paige Hiller? Chapter 6.

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Demi's pov-

As soon as I get off stage my eyes start to water. She's alive. That was Paige. I've gained so much love for her over these past 2 years and she's alive. But that girl looked so unhealthy, Paige looked healthy two years ago? I guess it wasn't her. Even though she lives in Chicago . I shouldn't get my hopes up too high though.

" Max can we get something to eat," I whine to my body guard that's driving me to my hotel.

"Yes Demi what would you like?" He blankly responds.

"Subway please?" I ask in my most childish voice. He nods in annoyance and drives there.

When we arrive it's about 11:30 p.m., and there's two blonde and brunette teenage girls insides. I go inside figuring out what I want. I place my order and look over to the two teenagers. Hey, they were at my concert. Surprised they haven't noticed me yet, I mean I have bright pink hair. I smile, but my smile fades away until I recognize the blonde. It's Paige. It's her. Now that I have a better look I know it's her. I grab my subwayc and walk to the girls table. They both look at me wide eyed obviously knowing who I am. Except the brunettes eyes are full of excitement, and Paige's eyes, well who I think is Paige, has fear and sadness in her eyes.

"Hi sweethearts, I have a feeling you know who I am? What's your girls name?"

They both nod and the brunette adds "I'm Yasmin," Paige doesn't say anything.

"If you two want you can stop at my hotel tomorrow?" I offer to them.

"I'm busy, but Paige can go!" Yasmin replies receiving a nudge from Paige. I smirk, I knew it was Paige.

" I...urm... Would love to.. But," Paige dazes off.

"She'll be there," Yasmin practically shouts before Paige can finish. Paige grunts and walks off.

"Can you pick her up? Here's her address her family is a little crazy and I want her to get there safe," Yasmin asks. I nod smiling. This girl is a great friend. Paige Hiller is alive and I'll be talking to her tomorrow. Oh my gosh.

Paige's pov-

"What the fuck Yasmin," I shout while walking back to her car.

"She needs to know your alive and you two should talk," Yasmin mocks. I roll my eyes and hop into the passenger seat.

When Yasmin drops me off at home my dad's car is in the driveway. I skip to the front door, opening it to my family smiling at me. Including Paisley. I smile back, with a real smile.

"Hi honey we heard you're meeting up with Demi Lovato tomorrow so we thought we can all go together?" My father states. My smile fades, but I quickly nod. My parents pull me into a hug. It felt comforting, I felt like I was home again.

"Rise and shine baby," my mom says shaking me lightly awake. I smile, and hug her getting a hug back. I walk downstairs to see breakfast on the table and my dad, and Paisley eating. I shutter at the sight of food, but since my family's all together again I'll eat for them. I grab a seat next to my dad and mom and shovel down all of my food. Hopefully I can keep it down.

"Paigey you wanna play basketball with me, mommy, and daddy?" Paisley asks. Holy cow she's adorable.

"No thanks Pais. I need to get ready" I respond crouching down to her level giving her a kiss on her forehead.

I pick out a floral high waisted skirt and a white lace long sleeve crop top. I put my sandals on and hop onto my bed reaching for my phone. I log into twitter. Haven't been on here for two years. I have 5o notifications and it's all hate. I also have 60+ dms from Demi. Guess she was hoping I didn't die. Soon I hear screaming and my name being called. I rush downstairs almost running into Demi.

"Why the hell are you here?" I pant.

"I was coming to get you cause Yasmin told me to come get you but as I was getting out of my car your parents and sister were hit by a drunk driver. I already called 9-1-1. But idk if they're ok or not." Demi cries.

I run outside being followed by Demi and see the car jammed into my neighbors home. I look by our family's basketball hoop, and see Paisley sitting up and my mom and dad unconscious on the ground. I run to Paisley, picking her up into my arms. Blood is coming out of her side, staining my shirt, but I don't care I just want my little girl to be alive.

"You ok bud?" I ask her.

"Ya, only if you give my a hug," she smirks. I hug her and mutter I love you into her hair.

"I love you too Paigey. Please don't leave me," Paisley mumbles before passing out. I can't let my self cry. No I need to stay strong just until the ambulance come. As the ambulance arrive they announce my father is dead and I stand next to Demi. Her arm wrapped around me. Making sure no one hurts me. It's pretty comforting. I wish I knew Demi all this time. She actually is a really great personc and I'm pretty sure she can help me overcome my problems. Just only if I could ever tell her. As they take my family away I stay behind cause I can't bear to see them like this. I let my self sob. They're all going to die. It's all my fault. I sob into Demi's arms.

I can't do this. I run into the house and lock myself into the bathroom. I puke up my breakfast I promised my self I would keep down and grab what I need.

Demi's pov-

"Paige let me in," I shout. I can't lose her again. All I can hear is her puking, sobbing and some shuffling around. She could be doing anything in there. I lean against the door, and sob with her. I soon remember I have a bobby pin in my purse. I wipe my tear stained face and run to my purse grabbing the bobby pin.

As I unlock the door Paige is sitting on the bathroom floor. There's blood. Everywhere. To top it all off she's shaking while quietly saying "It's all my fault."

This sight brings tears to my eyes. I grab her and carry her to her room, at least I think it's her room. I bandage her wrists and give her a tight hug.

"I barely know you, and I already love you like you are my little sister. I've always hoped you were alive. I know we have this special bond already. And I will always be here for you. " I whisper to her. Since she isn't calming down I begin to start humming "Warrior" to her.

She starts to calm down and cuddles closer to me.

"I'm suppose to hate you, since you ruined my life. But I really love you right now and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I'm so happy I went to that concert and I think you ruining my life was for the best. Thank you Demi," Paige mumbles into my chest.

"We'll talk about this later but I'm going to go to the hospital with you to see how your family is doing," I state but she only shakes her head and tears start to flow again.

"They called me and told me my m-mom would l-live, b-but my d-dad and p-pa-paisley died," she hiccups and starts to cry harder. I snuggle into her holding my arms tight around her.

Not wanting any one to take this beautiful young girl away from me. God Paige Hiller I love you and I'll die if you ever leave me.


An: at the beginning I said Paige and Demi were going to meet up again at the Paige's high school. Well, I'm changing that now sorry. I like my new idea better. But update on Tuesday! Peace out Girl Scout. AND OH MY GOSH THANKS FOR 50 READS

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