bullies V^V

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so recently some bullies have targeted me, it's nothing new, but it was something that I don't want to go through again. lucky we have this app to report bullies and I thought to test it out and stuff, I wasn' going to handle their bullshit, and because of it I told my grandma just because she's one of my closest friends (oof ouch lmao) my mother overheard and wanted me to explain what happened, I explained it and my dad started lecturing me about how I should toughen up I didn't report them because I'm not tough, I'm fucking strong as fuck and I have a fucking pocket knife, what do you expect, but I got lectured for not handling it my self, he thinks because I reported them they are going to bully me more, and of course that when through my mind but I was brave and did it anyway.

I'm just done... 

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