Fuck My Life

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So my dad chose today to come to my therapist appointment and he gave me this long af lecture because my teacher is starting think thing Monday after school when anyone LGBTQ+ come and talk about anything but if I go I can't catch the bus so I asked if I could get a ride in Mondays and he gave me this long lecture why HE HATE THE PEOPLE I HANG AROUND AND THAT THEY ARE STUPID and they both don't want me to go, but I have been really looking forward to this thing because me being trans and my family STILL NOT ACCSEPTING ME I need at least some people that can but they don't want me to go because they feel if I can't talk to them I can't talk to' strangers ' I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU GUYS  I RATHER TALK TO AM 50 YEAR OLD AS LONG AS HE ACCSEPTS ME

Idk I was crying for a really long time for this and I still am

Also the caps lock is because Im to lazy to put quotes or bold or slant it rn and I'm typing this all my phone

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