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Man do I hate parents, at least mine

they think they know us

they think they know what I'm thinking

they think I'm so stupid

they think that I can't tell a friend from a rapist 

they think that I live a happy life

they think they know all my 'bad thoughts' that run through my head

they don't know that I talk to some random voice in my head that I even gave a name to

they don't know that I have some people that I talk to on almost a daily basis that I haven't met in real life

they don't know that I found my knife

they don't know how much I hate them

they don't know that I found my knife

they don't know that I almost tell everything to my therapist 

they don't know that I almost killed both of them before 

they don't know how much research I have done and how much different types of "mental illnesses"

they don't know what kind of good things and bad things that I read

they don't know anything about me,

nor how much I want to die

My (Many) ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now