the redo

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so i was rereading the chapters in this book and i realized that i need to fix a tag thing that i was in, here you go pt 2 redone

this was from 

1: Sexuality?

Pan/demisexual and Transgender

2: Gender?


3: Happy?

well I'm deppreso (by doctor) so no? (also K2 ((refer 2 chapter "ugh"))told me to call it that)

4: Last Song Listened To?

genius nightcore switching vocals

5: Hair Color?

Naturally dirty blond but currently blue (faded) tips and soon to be a new color (always unnatural)

6: Zodiac?

LE FISH (Pisces)

7: Last Person I Kissed?

I can't remember its been to long (oof, my love life is sad, cri)

8: "Fav" Color?

black, white, red, blue, idk pastel(?)

9: "Fav" Food?

ramen or alfredo (STARCH)

10: Battery %?

97% (school computer lol)

11: Celebrity Crush?

same as last time BTS! and plus this one instagram/tic tok person i won't name...🙈😳(no good embarrassed emoji i could use without looking like a popular wannabe, please think of me like that !)

12: "Fav" Vegetable?

carrots 4 life my dude

13: Eye Color?


14: Shoe Size ?

mens 5

15: Dream Job?

same as last time plus (ultra) Arthur


done, happy holidays and also i made a poem for all of my followers or just those that read my books, also please don't be a ghost reader i like reading comments if i reply harshly in some way its to people I know personally. here's the poem:

she or her, as in Female or girl.

He or him, as in Boy or girl.

they or them, as in my genderless friends<3   (you guys! i don't want to assume the readers gender)

My (Many) ProblemsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ