I Remember...

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I remember meeting you, I remember thinking, 'wow, what a strange person'.

I remember trying to be edgy, I remember trying to hard to be an outcast even though I didn't need to try.

I remember making dark jokes and acting like the world revolved around me, and because of that I meet people that still wont go away.

I remember trying to be cool, acting like I was on top of the world and nothing could touch me.

I remember saying things to gather attention.

I remember trying to get you to leave and failing completely.

I remember starting a bad habit and to this day, it comes back to haunt me.

I remember when I had everything but acted like I had nothing, to only really have nothing in the future.

I remember forcing myself to change for you but lying to myself.

I remember being considerate and kind just t have you flaunt what I don't have but want in front of me....

I remember saying fuck you seriously but you took it like a joke.

and lastly, I remember walking away from you, wishing it would be forever.

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