Now Until Forever

Start from the beginning

"You know you can move away from the door I won't bite...much", he says with a smile forming on his lips and I don't realize I am still in the same spot he left me with my back firmly to the door

I nod with a small nervous smile and follow his path into the kitchen.

"My nonni made pasta so I have lots to spare. She likes to think she is feeding an army every time she makes a meal.", I can hear the love in voice

"My grandmother is like that too, she tries to feed the entire block and the church every Sunday", I say with a chuckle as he smiles and plates two servings of food.

After he places one in the expensive looking microwave he makes a motion with his head to come closer. When I am at arm's length away he pulls me, closer and grabs my waist and lifts me onto the cool stoned counter top.

Before I can get a word out he reaches down and pulls the shoes off my feet exposing my painted toes. I wiggle them slightly holding in a moan from having that pressure taken off my toes.

"Thank you", I say and reach up and stroke his face lightly

The microwave waves beeps behind him and pulls out the plate and sits it in my lap with a fork. I take the fork and smile at him in thanks. Before I even put a bite up to my lips I pause.

"Do you have any parmesan?"

He looks at me with a smile, "Lady after an Italians heart"

He walks towards the large modern fridge and pulls out a container of what I am guessing is fresh grated parmesan.

"My zia  who still lives in Italy sends fresh cheese with my zio every time he comes to visit and I make sure to take a chunk before dinners served and hide it in car", he says as he sprinkles cheese on my pasta

"You just tell me when but I'll put the whole container if you like"

"An Italian after lady's heart, cheese is its on food group", I say jokingly and nod as he puts a good enough amount on top

He laughs and it's such a beautiful sound that I have a feeling only a few people have heard. I enjoy hearing about his family and hearing the he has love for them in his tone. I take the first bite and moan at the amazing taste.

"This is amazing the sauce taste so fresh", and then I take another huge bite

He stares at me smiling watching me as I chew with my cheeks full with pasta. This pasta is so good that I think I am forgetting that I am supposed to be looking cute right now. He stares at me for another moment before warming and digging into his own food.

I pause for a moment to ask another question about his family, "Does a lot of your family live in California?"

He pauses from eating and looks up at me, "No, they mostly live in New York except for my Father, Uncle... my fathers brother, and my cousin Apollo."

"Ahhhh, that's why you and Apollo look so much alike", I say remembering the resemblance

"Most people mistake us for twins as they do our fathers", he says thoughtfully

"Do you get to see your family often?"

"As much as I can between work but I try to make it to Sunday dinners, my nonni likes to have everyone together after mass. She says it makes it easier for her prayers to find us that way", he nods as though he believes in the statement himself

I nod with a smile at how close his family seems.

"What about your family?", he asks looking up at me briefly and then returning to his food

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