Blood of The Rivaling Kingdoms

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I heard a sound. A muffled sound of course. Only for a second. Until I heard the screaming again was when I woke up. From a slumber. And when I got up, was when things came to better. As I'd hoped.

I lay back down closing my tired eyes for my rest. When I hear it again. This time more clear, more hearing. But, who's it sounds like almost kills me. I get up, this time, wanting to know whothe voice belongs to. Where the voice is. And why it sounds like her.

I slowly, and steadily walk down the dark, and twisted stairs. Shadows and moonlight dancing upon the beautiful, hardwood floors. In the distance, I see a bright white light coming off from the main room.

I walk slowly inside. Scared of what it could be. But looking inside, I see long dirty blonde hair, and eyes the color of aqua. Rosy red lips as well. And a tan-ish face. It was the face of hers. She looked straight at me, a smile brushing on her lips.

"The child will be coming back before you know." She commented, looking at me in the eye, not breaking contact once. Even after she blinked. I nodded. I knew one day the child would.

"I know. I just, need more time. I'm already starting to get the hang of being a parent to this one. I would know what to do with the other." I answered, looking down slowly. I rubbed my neck.

"I know. But we won't give you any more time. And you know that. You have to see her. You need to meet her. And you and I both know what will happen if we don't." She answered me. I nodded. I did know.

"I know. But, I'm worried about something. Something you told me a long time ago." I told her. She nodded.

"And I shall answer that. The child will have to have a choice, to choose between 2 best friends whom will both have a love for, and so will they. Don't step in. It's the child's only choice in choosing. Whichever one the child picks, is whom too child will pick." She said, calmly. I nodded.

She looked out the window. "It's almost time for me to go my love." She said, the sun rising up. I looked at her.

"No. I have another question! Where did you hide it?" I asked.

"There's no time. And I can't say. It's only the children who can figure that out. I'll see you again as soon as I can. Maybe not soon, but I will see you again!" She said quickly.

"No! You can't leave me. Not again. Please." I told her. She locked eyes with me.

"Take care of them for as long as you can hold, there will be some hard decisions. But it's them part of the prophet, not you. They have the blood of the Rivaling Kingdoms, they have to learn to choose on their own." She said before disappearing into the rising orang sun.

And with that. I awoke.

Texting Bryan DechartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon