Christmas Wedding

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"AHHH Today's the day!!" Chal yelled, emerging into my room. I sighed, waking up. "What day?" I asked. "The wedding day!" Chal yelled. My eyes widened. "Oh yeah!" I yelled. "You forgot your OWN wedding?" She asked. I nodded. I walked into the bathroom. She sat on the counter. I began to brush my teeth as I noticed her shirt. It wasn't hers. I hadn't EVER seen her buy or wear a shirt like that. Or even in a size way bigger than hers. "Who's is that?" I asked, spitting the toothpaste out, and began to brush my teeth again. "Oh um...Cal let me borrow his shirt..." She said, blushing. I smirked. "I KNEW you both had feelings for each other!" I yelled, spitting out my last bit of toothpaste, and rinsing my brush off. "WE ALL KNEW!!" Michael yelled from the other room. Laughing, I began to do my hair. "Shut up you two!" Chal yelled. Michael laughed. As did I. "It fits you SOOOO well." I said, sarcastically. Chal rolled her eyes, playfully. I smiled. "Let me guess, you even slept with him?" I asked. She nodded. "No funny business though. Only went to bed." She told me. I nodded, laughing. "Chal, I trust you. I KNOW you wouldn't do that." I told her, truthfully. As she was about to speak, two people barged through the door. I turned around as did Chal. One was Cal, the other way Mike. "I need the keys!" Michael yelled. Chal laughed, taking her keys out of her pocket. "There ya go Mike!" She said. Michael nodded. "Thank you so much!" He said. "What do you need Cal?" I asked him. "I need a kiss good-bye." He said walking to my sister. She leaned in, kissing him.. "Get a room!" I yelled. They stopped, laughing. "I'll see you later. I'm pretty sure you both will look amazing." He said. I smiled, waving. Cal winked at Chal quickly, before giving me a high-five. He ran off, after Michael. "MICHAEL WAIT UP!!" Calum yelled. We heard a door shut, as Chal jumped off. Not even 2 minutes after, we heard the door slam open. "Sorry I'm late!" I heard two voices say. I turned to see Gia and the dresser. I hugged Gia. "Oh my gosh! So I'm not late?" She said. I shook my head. "Hey little sis." Goa said, hugging Chal. "I'm only 2 years younger!" She said. Gia laughed. "Chop chop! No time to waste. We only have so much time, and so much to do!" The dresser said. She started curling my hair. "I see you in a shirt way bigger, what's changed?" Gia laughed, talking to Chal. "Um...Calum lent it to me." She said. "Yep! Turns out we got a front view picture on the two kissing on the deck!" I said. Gia looked suprised at Chal. "Ooh I'm so happy right now!" She said. Chal laughed. "Okay vuala, hair is done!" The dresser said. I looked in the mirror. "It looks perfect!" I said. Chal and Gia clapped. The dresser ended up painting my nails white, making sure our heels were right so they wouldn't hurt us or make us trip, she fixed our makeup even. She took our dresses out.

I'm kinda busy today so I'm sorry that he pictures are not cropped. These are from my older stories.
Gia and Chals-

Gia and Chals-

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I looked in the mirror

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I looked in the mirror. "So, what do you think?" The dresser asked. "I love it!" I said. "Oh, don't forget this!" The dresser said, putting on the tiara with the veil over my head. I looked in the mirror. "So, who's gonna be there?" Gia asked. Chal and I looked at her. "You'll see." I answered. Chal walked outside. Michael and Cal we're back, I guess they just ran to the forest. "I'll see you there! Love ya Kay!" Chal said. Gia stayed back. I looked at her. She went upstairs, sighing. I followed her and found her in Ash's room.. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Ashton is what's wrong...." She said. I looked at her. "Why?" I asked. "You know...he broke up with me because he thought he was being too clingy." She told me. I nodded, standing next to her. "True is, he was never clingy. Not one little bit. He was so understanding, sweet, everything a woman could ask for...I miss him." She said. I looked at her. "Nothing lasts forever." I told her. She looked at me confused. But, before she could say anything, the dresser ran in. "Come on, come on, come on we'll be late!" She said. Gia ran outside. "I'll meet you there!" She yelled. I walked downstairs. "Follow that path," The dresser started. "It'll lead you there." She finished. I nodded. "Thank you." I said. "No problem. Have a good wedding!" She said. I smiled, nodded. "Have a good day." I said, walking off. After a bit, I caught sight of it, and he music started playing. Two children came running behind me. I knew who they were. One was my nephew, Lucas. The other was Bryan's neice, Roana." (Honestly...I have no clue. I just made up a name.). I smiled at them and walked more steady to the music. Mark, Jack, and Felix gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at them. I looked straight ahead at Bryan. He stared at me. I smiled, as did he. I heard compliments about my dress from family members, and Bryan's family. I walked onto the steps. Bryan held it a hand for me and helped me up them. We stood staring at each other, hand in hand. The priest started talking and I had NO clue what he said, honestly because I didn't care. Or listen. ( every single wedding...) That's until Bryan got it his paper to say his vows.

"Honestly, I love every single thing about you Kay. Your smile when your happy, your tears when you cry. Not that I like seeing you cry. But, how I know you can count on me to make you happy again. I love it how you say you are something, in a joke full mannor just to make someones day. How you say your 75% stupid, and only 25% smart. You obviously aren't though. You are very smart. You are very thoughtful, caring, and the best person anyone could ask for. You make people happy when they're down, laugh when they need it, even cry from how thoughtful you can be. When I first met you, I knew there was a connection. And to end this vow, I will tell you a corny flirty joke....Kay, will you be my bride to my wedding?"

The crowd laughed at the end. I was almost in tears. "Oh my gosh Bryan." I heard Luke say. "Ok, what a GREAT way to make me start my vow, to make me cry while saying it. Ok I'm ready." I said, opening my paper.

"Bryan, the first time I sent you that text...I thought you were some crazy pedophile," The crowd laughed again. I smiled at them. "But, as I got to know you I thought otherwise. You were actually a very kind hearted, sweet, innocent child. You still can be at times. When I showed you to my friends, even though at first they hated you. You still held your head high. As they got to know you, they started to be nicer to you though. When I showed you to Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Michael. You enjoyed their company and would soon, 2 years later, ask them to be your groomsmen. Bryan, every peice of company with you is like a new adventure. I want to fulfill that adventure every day. Because everyday with you, is a day I wouldn't want to miss. Bryan I love you. Until the end."

I finished, almost crying. I looked down into the crowd to see my mother in tears. I frowned. I guess Ashton saw, because he ran down and gave her a tissue. "Here you go Mrs. Waters.". He said and quickly ran back up, standing next to Calum. Gia looked his way. I smirked a bit, but only for a second. Again, as the priest spoke, I didn't listen to shaz he said. The only words I heard him say we're at the end. "You may kiss the bride." The priest said. Bryan looked at me. He lifted up the veil. He smiled slightly before leaning into me. He kissed me as we heard the crowd clap. Once we finished. Brian and I hugged. "WOO!!!" Calum yelled. I saw him pick Chal up, spinning her. I smiled. Michael high fived Steph, Lydia, Brooke, and Gia. "Missed ya Gia." He said to her. "Same for you." She said. Steph went down to greet Matt, Mark, Felix, and Marzia. Luke talked to Brian and I. Lydia, Brooke and Maggie ran off to make sure the after party was ready. While Gia and Ash just stood there, awkwardly glancing at each other when the other wasn't looking. I sighed at the 2 of them. "Plan A is still up to code right?" Chal asked. That's when I realised the little group huddled up. I nodded. "No motha f**kin runnin yet." I said. Luke and Bryan nodded. Jack, Mark, Felix, Matt, and Steph gave a thumbs up from the stands. "NOW WHO'S READY FOR SOME PICTURES!!" Michael yelled, as a diversion from the group huddling. We all laughed, nodding.

How was the wedding? Good? I'm kinda busy making cookies but the after party part should be released in a bit...maybe the next 30 minutes to an hour! Merry Christmas everyone!

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